A mule deer darts through the trees, coming to a sudden stop a few feet in front of us, looking every bit as shocked as me before taking off at a dead run into the trees on the other side of the trail.

"Oh my gosh." Meadow gives a nervous little laugh and collapses willingly against my chest when I turn around to pull her into my arms.

Her ranger hat goes crashing to the ground and I get a chance to slide my hand over those wild, red curls.

Damn, her hair's soft.

And it smells good too; some fruity/floral scent that combines with soft curves crushed against my body to remind me of her femininity.

My heart is beating double time and holding her like this has my dick hardening, screaming its need to claim my woman.

Silently, I remind us both that Red's not my woman to claim.

She may have been laughing, but the way Red's arms are tight around my waist with her head laid against my chest makes me think she was a lot more scared than she's letting on.

"You're okay, baby girl," I whisper into those curls against the top of her head, stroking her back gently and waiting for the tension to leave her body. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Meadow's arms tighten around me and I hope like hell she can't feel the steel rod in my pants, but damn is it tough trying to keep enough distance between us to avoid embarrassing myself.

She feels just like I always knew she would-- perfect-- and I want to cherish every second she lets me hold her like this.

Before I go say something stupid again and remind her how much she hates me.

It's been a while, with us just standing together on the trail like this, but Meadow's body is still tense in my arms. I think I can feel her heartbeat, heavy and fast with those luscious tits of her pressed firm against my chest. When she tilts her head back to look up at me, I get it in my dumb head that this might be my chance.

Maybe I'm not imagining the softness in those caramel eyes, the pink flush darkening her cheeks, or the way those full lips part slightly as she looks up at me…



It's not the thought that Oz is about to kiss me that has me even more scared than when I thought we were about to be Sasquatch dinner-- it's that I want him to.

Dropping my arms, I step away from his hard, warm body. It's not exactly what I want to do, but suddenly I'm feeling all kinds of confused.

Sure, Oz is hot-- and maybe teenager me would have swooned over at the idea that one day he might look at me the way he was just now, but teenager me didn't have the best taste in guys.

Case in point, that time Oz dumped an entire blackberry milkshake over my head just to make the guys he was hanging out with laugh.

"We should get back," I mumble, straightening my uniform shirt and hoping the padding in my bra is thick enough to hide my hard nipples.

Oz clears his throat and nods once.

"Yup, better get back," he parrots.

"You good?" He asks, looking at me too seriously for a second, like he actually cares about me. It makes me feel some kind of way; my stomach flutters and something low inside me tightens. It's got me confused and I don't like it.

"All good," I assure him.

"'K then."

He stands there, just looking at me like he's waiting for me to say something else but all I do is point up the trail to indicate he should get moving.

Ozzie was going to fight a Sasquatch for me back there. Or a bear. Or anything else that came crashing out of the woods at us.

Remembering the way he moved in front of me to stand between me and whatever that noise turned out to be has me feeling decidedly less annoyed at the big man walking just ahead of me on the narrow track of trail that descends the hill down to the base of the tower.

Well, remembering him being willing to get killed by Bigfoot for me-- and that ass.