Hiking alongside her, I admire the view in silence; the way her skin is all flushed and the hypnotic sway of her ample ass with each step over the uneven terrain.

Just when I think she's not going to give me a response, she stops and puts her hands on her hips, staring up at me with fire in her eyes while those perfect tits of hers heave with every deep breath she inhales in an effort to calm herself down.

I don't want Meadow to calm down, I want her riled up. I want her fire; I can't seem to get enough.

The drone zips across the sky, hovering above us on the trail before heading off again, making me have to wait for whatever it was she was about to say.

We both watch the tiny aircraft disappear over the trees.

"Hermit camp," I say for the sheer purpose of stating the obvious.

"Looks like it." Red drops her fists off her hips and heads off without another word.

Hermit's camp is the unofficial name of a small, back country campsite that's become particularly popular with mostly amateur Bigfoot hunters who's most common sightings of the area's most famous cryptid has more to do with what they smoke around the campfire than whether or not Sasquatch is real.

"Can't believe those kids lugged all that gear up this far." I give a low whistle as the camp comes into view up ahead of us.

"Maybe they're more serious than I thought." Meadow sounds like she's as impressed as I am by the collection of cameras set up around the camp in addition to the drone that's now laying on a camp table next to a tablet computer surrounded by a group of people that don't look old enough to be drinking those beers.

"Hi guys," Meadow calls out as soon as we break clear of the forest into the camp's clearing. "I couldn't help but notice you've been flying that drone out here."

Hanging back, I watch the scene from a distance.

Red's all business out here, with an authority in her voice as she explains the regulations to clueless campers that makes her even attractive to me.

"Your FAA unmanned craft license doesn't give you authority to fly in the wilderness management area..."

She gives them a tough but fair lecture and makes sure they understand the fines involved if she catches the craft in the air again.

Red's sexy as hell when she's in ranger mode.

"Yes ma'am." A lanky dude with hipster glasses and a downright pitiful excuse for a beard, answers in his best ass-kissin' tone. "We didn't know that; we'll keep it grounded till we're out of the wilderness area."

"Hey, Ranger? Can you tell us where this was taken?"

I take a step closer, curious about the video that the girl who just stepped up is playing for Meadow.

"Look, I know you're out here looking for Sasquatch, but this video has been debunked already, it's faked."

I watch five faces stare back at Meadow in various combinations of disbelief and disappointment. It's pretty clear they plan to stay out here and keep trying, whether the video online is real or not.

"Pack your trash out and keep the drone down," Meadow says, switching to her friendly ranger voice.

"We've got a fire burning on the other side of this range," she says, pointing to the mountain looming above us, "it's mostly contained and not currently considered a threat, but if you've got access to the internet, you should be monitoring the incident website for the area in case something changes."

A chorus of thank yous and promises to behave and stay safe follow us we get back on the trail.



"Idon't get it; how do they make money off of monster hunting if they don't find any monsters?"

Oz's steps pick up pace to catch up with mine while he muddles over the mysteries of social media monetization.

"They get their money from the videos where they're just freaking out over every little twig noise in the dark. They aren't actually trying to find any monsters,” I explain.

An email went out just the other day, preparing us for what the department expects to be a higher than usual number of inexperienced campers and hikers this season due to the recent viral video taken in the area.