His eyes darken with anger, "they were murdered... By humans."

My heart breaks for him, and I feel myself starting to tear up.

"Hey, no. Stop crying." He says quickly, lifting his head up, "I didn't tell you that so you could cry. I just... I want you to understand."

"I do understand." I say softly, wiping away the tears, "My family was almost killed too. By the same humans. That's why I wanted to come up here. I was told that they were evil and that they had murdered dragons."

He looks confused, "what do you mean?"

"There is a pack of hunters." I explain to him, holding my knees close to my chest, "The leader... He somehow thinks that we're going to be in a relationship or something. I don't want to be but he continuously threatens me and my family. I feel like soon, I won't have a choice."

"A relationship?" He asks, a little bewildered.

"It's not normal, I know." I say, a little embarrassed.

"Do you have a mate?" He asks me then.

"No. My parents said I could choose from a bunch of men, but I have been more interested in exploring the world than finding a husband." I explained to him.

He looks confused, "Then why is he interested in you?"

"He doesn't understand. He won't stop chasing after me and it is so hard for me to be around him." I admit, lowering my head a little, "I think he believes it is a game. That I'm just trying to rile him up."

He growls, "he sounds like a child. What's his name?"

"Karl." I reply, looking up at him, "You wouldn't have a chance against him."

"I'm not scared." He snarls, standing up and stretching out.

I can't help but notice the bulge underneath him and look away. He doesn't seem to notice and comes a little closer.

"I should kill him." He growls.

"Don't." I beg him, reaching out and placing my hand on his snout, making him freeze, "It would just cause you more misery than it is worth. I appreciate you wanting to come to my rescue but I can't ask it of you. I don't want to see you hurt because of me. You deserve your peace."

He's still as stone and I start to wonder what is going on.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, "You look so shocked."

He moves back and lays down again, his eyes wide, "you have a strong connection."

Now it is my turn to be confused, "What?"

"I think that you and I are connected by our souls." He says softly, "This is strange."

"You and I... Soulmates?" I realize, my eyes widen in surprise.

"Not exactly." He says softly, his gaze softening a bit, "You're meant for a human, not a dragon."

"How do you know?" I wonder, curious as to why he is just gazing at me.

His body starts to tremble and shake, making me worry at the fact that the cave could just collapse all around us. The next thing I know, he is standing in human form in front of me, completely naked. His long, curly silvery-blonde hair falls past his broad shoulders. His silver eyes watch me cautiously, gauging my reaction. He's big in every aspect, my eyes darting down to see the monster between his legs. Oh god, how would that even fit?

"My name is Onyx." He says softly, coming a little closer.

"Hannah." I introduce myself.

"We can't be soulmates. That doesn't make sense. If we were, we would have found each other when I was young." He whispers hoarsely, looking away from me.