“Or you’re just genetically gifted.”

“Like you are?” she teased. “You have a big brain. I have a big butt.”

“It’s not big. It’s perky. Big difference.” I gave her a gentle spank.

“So, what do you think of my tits?”

I was surprised by her blunt question. “They’re nice too.”

“They’re a bit small, but—”

“They’re perfect. I love everything about you.” My feelings for her weren’t superficial anyway, so it didn’t matter. My soul connected with hers, and that was the high I was addicted to. Being extremely attracted to her was just icing on the cake.

She smiled. “You do?”


“Because it didn’t seem like you were that attracted to me before…”

I turned my head and looked at the ocean through my sunglasses. “I was. Just didn’t allow myself to see you like that.”

“Because I worked for you?”

“I guess. But when I kissed you…fuck. It was all there.”

Her smile widened.

“I wanted to be with you because of how happy you made me. If the sex was bad or the chemistry wasn’t right, I would’ve stayed anyway. Our relationship is more than physical. That’s the reason I’m here in the first place…” If it weren’t, I could just have any woman, and it wouldn’t matter what she was like. But my feelings for Cleo were deep and powerful. I was loyal to her, not because of my word, but because of my soul.

Her hand reached for mine and held it.

I turned back to her.

“My feelings are more than skin-deep too. But I’m not going to lie, every time I saw you shirtless, I wanted to jump your bones.”

I grinned. “Good to know. I like your ass. What do you like about me?”

“Your shoulders,” she blurted. “So broad.”

I watched her, our oily hands slick together.

“And your chest…your abs…your height.”

“I thought you would just pick one—”

“And your dick. You have a really nice dick.”

I went quiet, amused by the way she’d just objectified me. “That sounds like everything.”

“Ooh yeaaaah.” She chuckled. “Everything.”

After we had dinner, we went into the bedroom. The patio door was left cracked so we could hear the ocean as we slept.

My back was a little sore from lying on the floor all night, so I was happy to be in a real bed. Making love in front of the fire was pretty hot, but the hardwood floor didn’t agree with my knees.

After I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I got into bed, my hand cupping the back of my head.

She came out a moment later, her makeup still on because she hadn’t washed it off like she usually did before bed. Whether she wore makeup or not, it didn’t change my desire to be with her. She was beautiful either way.

Instead of getting in on her side of the bed, she crawled on top of me, kissing me as her hair dragged across my chest.

I could fuck her all the time and never get tired of it, but I wasn’t the one getting a big dick shoved into a small space. I usually left her alone after three times in a day, wanting to prevent soreness so she would still want me the following day. But most of the time, she didn’t seem to care.

Right now, she clearly didn’t give a damn.

Her lips moved down my body until they sealed around my dick. She sucked me off, tasting her own arousal because it was still on my dick since I hadn’t showered. Then she turned around, her inner thighs against mine, and she gave me an incredible view of her ass. She reached behind and grabbed my length before she directed him inside. Then she arched her back and pushed herself to take him, to get all of him inside her already stuffed entrance. She sank down, taking all of me.

Frozen in place, I stared at the sexiest sight I’d ever seen, seeing her nectarine ass stare right at me.

Then she rolled her hips and arched her back over and over, taking my dick effortlessly, handling the difficult position like it wasn’t the least bit challenging.

My hands sprawled across her cheeks, and I kneaded them with my fingertips, watching her work to push herself down then up again, coating my dick with her cream, getting hot and sweaty because it was so much wood.

“Jesus fucking Christ…” I just lay there, watched her fuck me, her tight ass so damn perfect.

She topped it off by looking over her shoulder at me. “You like that?”

I released a groan at her confidence, my palm striking her ass hard. “Fuck…yes.”

“So, the grand ballroom is almost never used. Maybe on a Friday or Saturday night. So Pria and I sneak off there and fuck all over the place.” Tucker sat across from me at the table, his second beer in front of him. “She usually wears a dress at work, so it’s perfect. She lifts up her dress, sticks out her ass while she holds the wall, and I just go to town. It’s the best shit ever.”