Greedy and jealous.
“Is it true? What she said,” I hesitated, “about…about you getting the piercing for her?”
Lorcan snorted bitterly. “Not even close. A group of us were playing Spin the Bottle in college, and I was dared to make out with Crystal for an entire minute or get my dick pierced. So, I got Mr. Barbell, the little guy you’re very familiar with.”
I let out the breath I’d been holding. Maybe there was a god after all. If I ever met the bitch again, I could shove the lies back to her face.
“Wow. You loathed her that much?” I asked.
“Understatement. Matter of fact, she doesn’t know what my dick feels like with a pierc—”
“Too much information.”
“Got it. Sorry.”
“So…if you didn’t invite them, who gave them your address?”
“Ashton? Why? He knows we are dating.”
“He was indebted to Crystal. He said he couldn’t share the specifics but apologized profusely for not warning me.”
“So much for friendship and loyalty.” I sighed, turning my face to avoid looking at him, but his large hands palmed my cheeks in place.
“I spoke with all my guys and my dad, and nothing like this will happen again.”
He tenderly brushed the tip of his nose against mine. The gesture wasn’t sexual, but it made me feel adored. I purred and closed my eyes as he continued caressing me.
“Now, I plan on christening every surface of this beach villa. Do you wanna know where I’ll fuck you next?”
I molded against his body, feeling the heat pouring from his skin. As I was lacing my arms around Lorcan’s neck, he pushed me backward. With a shriek, I flailed my limbs wildly and toppled into the infinity pool. Water and chlorine flooded into my open mouth as I frantically swam to the surface.
“What was that for?” I sputtered, bobbing in the pool.
“You wanted to know where I’d fuck you next. There’s your answer.”
Two could play that game. I cupped my hands and splashed the cold water on his gorgeous ivory-skinned torso. He ducked but not fast enough to avoid getting wet.
“You’ll pay for that,” Lorcan warned.
Stripping from his swim trunks, he leaped into the pool, flopping close to me with a giant splash. I squealed and began paddling for the opposite end of the pool. Before I could make a second stroke, Lorcan’s hand gripped my ankle.
“Not so fast.” Pulling me closer, he growled in my ear, “You need to pay up.”
Lorcan hooked his thumb on my bikini bottoms. Sliding them down my legs, he tossed them behind his head. With the perfect amount of pressure, his thumb massaged my clit in circular motions.
“Ahh, Lorcan,” I whimpered, euphoric sensations tingling all over my body.
“You like that?”
I held onto his shoulders, nails digging into his back as I spread my legs wider for him. My eyelids were heavy with lust as I lay back on the steps. Lorcan licked his lips, ready to eat me out like his favorite delicacy.
The gate clicked open behind us. We froze like deer caught in headlights. Lorcan flipped me around and pulled me onto his lap, splashing water everywhere. I laid my head against his chest, my own heart beating rapidly. Dom’s head poked around the gate, confused.