I rolled to my side to snag my cell and tapped it to life.
I hadn’t heard the chime of an incoming message, and my squeal at the notification on my screen ripped through the quiet. Jerking upright, I scanned his words that had come through an hour earlier.
Leo: I got called into work last night and still haven’t left. Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner.
A heavy exhale released the anxiety I hadn’t realized snatched me back up the moment I woke. I settled back into the bed, grinning like an idiot.
Me: Do you need coffee? Breakfast? I’ve got some errands to run around town and don’t mind picking something up for you.
I chewed on the inside of my lip, hoping he’d kept his cell close by and could respond.
A notification pinged through within seconds, and another excited sound escaped me.
Leo: Sure.
Me: Text me what you want to eat, and I’ll be there in an hour.
An order for black coffee and a breakfast sandwich with sausage came through, and while I’d been hoping for some sexual teasing—like I’d love to bury my face between your thighs and eat you kind of thing, I had my toe in the door.
I hopped from bed after shooting off a quick assurance that I’d be there soon, but another chimed text came through before I scampered across the hall into the bathroom.
Leo: I appreciate you.
My throat tightened with the speed of lightning, and I blinked back tears while stumbling to a stop. No one—not even my family members—had ever said that to me. Sure, they’d thanked me for helping out and those sorts of things, but that exact saying?
“Damn.” I breathed a sigh, my heart along with my body hopping on board the Leo dreams I’d enjoyed while sleeping.
A woman could fall easily for his gorgeous ass if she wasn’t careful.
And what would be wrong with that?
I didn’t recognize the voice or perhaps my subconscious stating that thought, but I considered the words while showering and beautifying myself for those errands I’d lied about.
Nothing I’d seen or heard about Leo turned me off. He was a safe, smart choice compared to my normal go-to for dick who always left me unsatisfied.
Perhaps it really was time to try something new and not just focus on to getting him into bed with me so I could fill up on everything he had to offer.
I sent a text to Leo, letting him know I’d gotten his breakfast along and updating him with my ETA at the marine center he worked at.
He waited for me outside when I arrived, dark shades hiding his eyes. His grin at seeing me pull into the parking lot hit me like a shotgun blast and caught my breath.
I’d kept my fingers crossed for more than moody, quiet Leo but told myself not to get my hopes up.
He approached me while I parked, an assured step when I’d expected exhausted shuffles. His smile didn’t waver.
Flutters like the softest moth’s wings erupted through my belly. Happy Leo was even more captivating than moody Leo.
“Hey,” I said while climbing from my car.
“Sorry it took me so long to respond yesterday.”
“No worries.” I held out his coffee and bag of breakfast as he slid his shades up to the top of his head. The same amount of warmth in his upturned lips filled his eyes. More flutters rippled through me. “It was a nice surprise to see your text this morning.”
“Thanks for this. I’ve been working nonstop since last night.” Leo’s fingers brushed over mine as he took the offered goodies, and I bit my lower lip at the tingles racing over my skin. “How annoyed was Ciarra when you called her on her honeymoon?”