He rests his arm on the back of the couch behind Margot, and she leans forward, avoiding his touch. “Ready to start?” she asks with a smile, her eyes jumping from me to Matt.

She’s acting like she didn’t just walk out on me—like I have no effect on her whatsoever.

Too bad I can see straight through her act, especially when her knee anxiously bounces and she clasps both hands in her lap. She looks like she wants to bolt for the nearest exit, and even her best smile can’t hide that.

Between all of us, we take up both couches in the family room. Matt sits next to Rae, and I take the last open seat next to Izzy with a clear view of Margot.

Rae offers to start since she’s at the end of the first couch. “Okay,” she says, holding up her hands. “Never have I ever smoked pot.”

We all stare at her.

“What?” she asks with a laugh before shrugging. “It’s usually a good way to knock some fingers down.”

I like Rae—despite her taste in friends. She’s bold, and she knows who she is. Not many people here would advertise they’ve never smoked. Not her, though. She is who she is right out of the gate, and she’s not apologetic about it. I can see why Matt likes her.

Everyone puts their fingers down except for Matt, and Izzy laughs. “It’s a sign,” she says. “You two were made for each other.”

All focus is on the couple, but I can’t help looking at Margot’s hand and noticing she did put a finger down.


I don’t smoke often, but I will when it’s offered. Then again, I usually don’t drink this much either, but tonight it’s a different story.

Matt says he’s never gotten a ticket.

Izzy and Jess have.

Keith says he doesn’t like pizza, proving he can’t be trusted.

Everyone puts a finger down for that one.

Then it’s Margot’s turn.

“Never have I ever learned to play a musical instrument.”

When my eyes find hers, she just shrugs and mouths, “Sorry,” in the least apologetic way possible.

I put down a finger, and so do Samuel and Matt. When I see Matt joined, I can’t help laughing. “You went to one piano lesson when you were six. Put your finger back up.”

He shakes his head. “I suffered as much as any other musician that day.”

Samuel says he’s never seen Jurassic Park, and we spend a solid ten minutes telling him how meaningless his life is because of it.

Jess has never left the state of Florida, but the rest of us have.

Izzy has never gotten a tattoo, and surprisingly Samuel is the only one who has.

Then it’s my turn. Locking my gaze on Margot, I say, “Never have I ever bought a Taylor Swift album,” and the glare she gives me is priceless. As it turns out, Keith loves Taylor Swift and was equally outraged I think her music is trash, so my question gave the two of them something to bond over.

As the night goes on, and the more we drink, the more we learn about each other. The Never Have I Evers gets more personal, and I could have gone my whole life without knowing Keith is a virgin from West Palm Beach with a third nipple. But on the other hand, I now know Margot has never broken a bone, is extremely passionate about the Netflix show Stranger Things, and has had sex in a car. So that’s something.

By the time we’re ready to head back, Matt and Samuel are the only two sober enough to drive. Izzy clings to my arm as we walk toward the car, and I have to steady her more than once.

Halfway down the driveway, the two drivers realize they’ve parked at opposite ends of the street.

“Izzy, Jess, and Keith with me?” Samuel asks.

Izzy stares up at me with bloodshot eyes and a sloppy smile. I may be drunk, but I’m nowhere near as gone as this girl. “I can ride back with Jackson.” She looks over at Margot. “Hey, why don’t you ride back with Keith and Jess?”