We take a few steps forward as the line moves. If there’s one thing you can count on, it’s that the Chipotle in a college town will always have a line.

“Something on your mind?” I ask, hoping a more direct approach will crack the surface.

Matt blinks. “Why do you say that?”

“Uh, because you’re going through the motions like a zombie, and it’s starting to freak me out.”

He laughs. “No, I’m good. Really good.” He steps to the front and tells the girl behind the counter he wants a bowl. “You and Margot need to figure out your shit, though. It’s making everyone on the floor feel weird.”

I tell the girl I want the same and step to the side. “What’s there to figure out? She sucks.”

After ordering his toppings, he shakes his head. “She doesn’t suck.” He shrugs. “She always waves to me when I see her.”

“All I know is I want to see her as little as possible.”

We pay and find a table. Matt takes a bite and looks out the window. “She’s been hanging around that guy Keith a lot. Maybe he’ll keep her busy.”

“Poor guy,” I say, unconcerned. I take a bite of my food. I’m glad he’s finally talking, but I wish he’d stop mentioning Margot. The bossy girl next door isn’t exactly my favorite talking point.

“Relationships make people happy, right? Maybe if they date, she’ll be in a better mood.”

I stop chewing. “I guess?” He goes back to eating, but I can’t stop scrutinizing him. Putting down my fork, I say, “All right. What’s with you? You don’t talk the whole way here, and now you keep talking about Margot of all people? Both are weird.”

He frowns, looking down at his food. “Nothing.”

“Matt, I’ve known you since we were four. Something’s up with you. Just say it.”

“Do you think it’s a bad idea to ask out someone on our floor?”

I freeze before taking another bite. “What?”

“Never mind,” he says and gets back to eating.

What the hell? His questions about Margot make a lot more sense, and I’m trying not to panic. “Who is it?”

Please don’t say Margot.

Please don’t say Margot.

Please don’t say Margot.

Matt registers the look on my face and laughs. “Would you relax? It’s not Margot.”

“Thank God,” I say with a loose breath. “At the very least, I’d like to be able to pretend I like your girlfriend.” I’m about to take another bite, but I stop. “You’re not planning on asking out her roommate, are you?”

Matt smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, and the reassurance he just gave me disappears.

“No,” I groan.

“I’m sorry!” he says, laughing. “You’ve hung out with us in the common room, so you know she’s cool.”

“Why?” The word drags out of me, and I shake my head. “You’re right, dating someone on our floor is stupid. Don’t do it.”

His mouth quirks because he knows I’m joking.

“You like her?” I ask.

With a casual lift of his shoulder, he says, “I think so.”