A jolt of heat runs through my veins the moment we kiss, and when he pulls away, I could do it again right now, desire already coiling deep in my core.

Thankfully, the sound of the door swinging open snaps some sense into me, and I take a step away from him just in time.

Matt stops in the doorway, confusion written in the lines of his face. He tilts his head as he studies Jackson and me, and I have to make a conscious effort not to look guilty.

“Uh . . . Hey, Margot.” He walks into the room and sets his stuff down on his always pristine bed.

My eyes jump to the mess we made of Jackson’s sheets, and I’m suddenly glad he’s such a slob. It doesn’t look much different than it normally does. “Hey.”

Matt’s dark eyes jump between his best friend and me. “You guys didn’t just have sex in here, did you?”

My eyes jump to Jackson, expecting to see some type of reaction, but he hasn’t moved from where he was standing when he last kissed me, and his face reveals nothing. “You caught us,” Jackson says, pushing off his dresser to turn his stereo down. “Turns out Red’s had it bad for me this whole time.”

Matt laughs and pulls out his laptop.

“You wish,” I say dismissively before walking out the door. As I leave, I catch a glimpse of his devilish smirk, and it’s enough to make my toes curl in my Chucks.

With the door to their dorm shut, I take a moment to lean my head against the wall. The cool surface barely helps me wrap my head around what just happened. As I walk the few steps it takes me to get home, I force a deep breath.

I open the door to find Rae sitting on her bed with her laptop open. She is streaming Friends, but as soon as I walk into the room, she slams it shut. “You kissed Jackson?”

I freeze. “What?”

She gapes at me. “Izzy and Jess are freaking out about it! Even Imani couldn’t stop talking about it, and she never gossips! You two kissed at Ben & Jerry’s?”


So much had happened since Jackson first kissed me this afternoon, I almost forgot how this whole thing started. “Yeah. He was being dumb.”

She’s not going to let me brush this off. I can tell by the way she’s looking at me. She wants to know more, but I can’t tell her I slept with her boyfriend’s best friend. I can only imagine all the talk of a double wedding.

And whatever Jackson and I are doing, it isn’t that. We’re not like Rae and Matt. I don’t even know if we’ll sleep together again—even if Jackson is confident we will. There are too many unknowns right now, and inviting Rae and Matt into that mess won’t be good for any of us.

She’s still staring at me, waiting for a better explanation, so I just shrug as I sit on my bed. “First of all, I didn’t kiss him. He kissed me, and he only did it to make me mad. What else is new?”

She rolls her eyes. “Why would he kiss you to make you mad?”

I blink. “Uh, because he’s Jackson,” I say, holding an outstretched arm in the direction of his dorm across the hall. I freeze. “Wait. Why are you here?”

She gives me a funny look. “Um, I’m supposed to be here. You’re not. Did your class get canceled?”

I reach for my phone in my back pocket only to find it’s not there. I must have left it in Jackson’s room—just another thing for me to regret. My eyes jump to Rae’s phone face down on the bed, and I hurry over to check the time. My Mass Media class started five minutes ago.


“Where were you?” Rae asks. There’s no accusation in her voice, just genuine curiosity. This isn’t like me. I’m never late to class—school never slips my mind.

But today, it did.

Grabbing my bag off the back of my desk chair, I give a short, “I’ll explain later,” even though I have no intention of telling Rae where I was or who I was with.

Or what we were doing.

Frantically running out the door, I head to my class across campus with no phone and no idea how to navigate the terrible choices I made today.

