His pathetic attempts and her leading him on feel like a car wreck I can’t turn away from. It’s distracting even though it has nothing to do with me.

It has absolutely nothing to do with me.

Which is why I should stay out of it.

But instead, I get to my feet and head straight for them.

Everyone looks up when I reach the table, but I only see Margot. She’s probably wondering what the hell I’m doing, but before she can speak, I reach for her. I tilt her face toward mine, and with my hand still firmly on her cheek, I kiss her.

Just like that.

Her lips part—maybe because she was about to give me a piece of her mind, or maybe because she sucked in a gasp. Regardless of the reason, I take her bottom lip between mine. She tenses, gripping the sides of her chair while my hand grips the back of her neck like a reflex. It feels like forever that she’s frozen in place. I wait for some type of reaction—any reaction as my heart beats faster in my chest.

Eventually, she sighs into my mouth, and I feel it go straight to my groin. Fuck, she feels good. Being this close to her has a way of stopping time, the only measure coming from the wild thudding in my chest. I could kiss this girl forever. Her body relaxes, and she leans forward. It’s probably a fraction of an inch, but it feels like a mile. It feels like the red light she’s been flashing for months just turned green, and it’s taking everything in me not to go zero to sixty.

She’s kissing me back.

She tastes like Cherry Garcia, and she’s kissing me back.

My control slips, and my tongue sweeps over hers. Whatever I expected, it wasn’t the soft moan that leaves the back of her throat, and it wasn’t her tongue slowly dragging over mine like she wants to commit my mouth to memory.

I don’t want to stop. I want to pull her into my lap and let her have her way with me. I want to feel her hips writhe against me, and I want to learn what other sounds she might make.

Dropping my hand, I force myself to take a step back. Her head is still tilted up toward me, her eyes shut, lips parted. It isn’t until they flutter open and she looks around that she gets her bearings. Her wide eyes snap to me before they turn sharp, and I know I’ve pissed her off.

Probably more than I ever have.

She looks from Keith to me, her mouth open like she’s looking for words that won’t come. The only reaction is her cheeks steadily turning a deeper shade of pink.

“I’ll see you tonight,” I say like we already have plans. Then, I turn and walk toward the dorm.

Four words. That’s all I give her. As I walk away, rushed voices break out—she’s probably apologizing to Keith, even though she has nothing to be sorry for.

I’m the one who will have to apologize later, but right now, I don’t feel sorry about a damn thing.



That son of a bitch.

I glare after Jackson with my mouth open until he turns out of sight. When I meet the stares of everyone at the table, Keith gives me a similar incredulous look. “Wait,” he says, holding up both hands to stop me. “Is something going on between you two? Because I thought you couldn’t stand each other.”

“We can’t!” I say, but then I shake my head because I’m not sure if that’s true anymore. “Or we couldn’t.” Meeting Keith’s harsh gaze, I add, “But I have no idea what that was about.”

I glance around the table, mortified. Imani and Jess stare at each other wide-eyed. I wish they’d say something. I wish anyone would take some of the heat off me. My eyes find Keith’s again, and I wish I could erase the pain written in his expression. He’s hurt. He’s looking at me like I’ve betrayed him, and I have to fight the urge to apologize. I didn’t ask for this, and the unfairness of it all lights a fire inside me.

With my half-eaten ice cream dripping down the side of the cup, I gather my things. “I have to go.”

His eyes widen, and he suddenly looks less angry and more scared. “Wait. Where are you going?”

“I’m going to figure out what the hell that was about.” He still has his backpack slung over his shoulder, so I add, “You’re going to class, anyway.”

Keith frowns, and I don’t give him much time to figure out what he needs to say. After a beat of silence falls between us, I shake my head and get to my feet. “I’ll see you later.”

Keith’s voice calls out behind me, but I’ve already tuned him out and turned in the direction of our dorm.

I’m fuming.