Making my way back up on stage, I try to shake the way Margot has me feeling. Catching a glimpse of her as I put my guitar strap up and over my shoulder, I see her eyes are locked on me, her lips pouting into a subtle frown like she’s lost in thought. As soon as she realizes I’m looking, she turns to Rae. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with that girl, but she’s getting under my skin, and I don’t like it.



We wait for everyone to file out as Jackson helps the band pack their equipment. Matt can’t wipe the goofy grin off his face after watching his best friend on stage, and he hasn’t stopped talking about how he wishes he were in a band now.

Rae rolls her eyes, but the corners of her mouth reveal her amusement. “What would you even play?”

His eyebrows lift, offended by the fact that she has to ask. “The drums. Are you kidding?” He then plays the air drums for us.

Holding up a hand to shield herself, Rae looks at me and says, “Okay. Well, luckily it doesn’t look like American Thieves needs a drummer.”

Matt doesn’t stop, and even though he isn’t producing any sound, he still looks off-beat.

“What’s he doing?” Jackson’s smooth voice sounds behind me, making me whip around. His eyes are fixed on Matt with a subtle lift of his eyebrow.

Rae stares at Matt, shaking her head. “He’s practicing for your band.”

Jackson lets out a breath of laughter. “Right.”

“So, what’s the plan?” Matt asks now that he’s finally done with his epic solo. “Is the band good with you coming with us?”

“Yeah.” Jackson nods. “I’m not exactly old enough to get into the places they’ll go anyway. I’ll work on getting a fake, and they said we’ll celebrate another night. I’m starving, though.”

“There’s a pizza place around the corner.” I point in that general direction. “I remember passing it on our way in.”

I say it to be helpful, and I say it because I did see a pizza place on our way here, but once Jackson gives me his full attention, I wish I would have stayed quiet. All night he’s affected me—and not in the way he usually does. My palms sweat under the weight of his full attention.

“I could go for pizza,” he says, still looking at me like he’s surprised by what I’ve said even though what I’ve said wasn’t interesting or surprising at all.

Matt puts an arm around Rae and nods toward the exit. “Let’s do it.”

The two lead the way with Jackson and me trailing behind until a dark-haired woman in a low-cut blouse touches Jackson on the arm to stop him. Her curves make it clear she’s older than us. She has a confidence and maturity about her that makes me feel like I’m a middle schooler in comparison.

“You were great up there tonight,” she says with stars in her emerald eyes.

He looks mildly uncomfortable by the compliment, and I hate how endearing it is. “Thanks.”

“Want to get a drink sometime?” she asks, honey dripping in her voice. I know I should keep walking, but for some reason, I can’t tear my eyes away. The woman looks at me and falters. “Oh. Um, are you two together?”

Jackson and I stare at each other. At the same time, we both remember how to speak, and I say, “Definitely not,” while he delivers a resounding, “No.”

“Great!” the woman says with an award-winning smile. “Here’s my number.” She hands Jackson a small paper she already had prepared and gives him a wink before sauntering back to her friends, her hips swinging with each step. Jackson doesn’t hide the fact that he watches her ass as she walks away, and when he looks back at me, I don’t even realize I’m scowling until he defensively whispers, “What?”

I hold up the back of my hand to showcase the black X. “Maybe you should warn her that she would need to be the one buying the drinks.”

The side of his mouth twitches as he slips the small piece of paper into his pocket. “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

Rolling my eyes, I head after Rae and Matt. “Have fun with that,” I say over my shoulder, but even I hear the lack of conviction behind my words. I cross my arms, my nails digging into the palms of my clenched fists. I should go tell her he’s underage with dirty clothes all over his floor and plays guitar all night, so she better be ready to sleep with earplugs.

Going out for pizza proves more fun than I thought. Rae and I sit across from each other and catch up on everything happening in our classes lately while Matt and Jackson talk about the band and whether Matt’s decided to play for the lacrosse club. The only downside is that I have to sit next to Jackson. Tonight I’m all over the place with him. One minute, I’m thinking about how hot he looks on stage, and the next, I’m tempted to slap him for a stupid comment he makes. Either way, it’s safe to say I shouldn’t be in close proximity to him for both our sake. At least I don’t have to look at him unless I deliberately turn my head now.

By the time we’ve eaten our fair share of pizza, I’m exhausted. I stifle a yawn, but Rae catches it. “Oh, come on,” she says with a faint smile. “We were going to check out this club everyone has been talking about. It’s right around the corner.”

I’m about to open my mouth to tell her I’ll still go—even though I’d rather not—when Jackson’s voice cuts me off. “I’m probably heading back after this.”

Rae frowns, looking back and forth between us. “You guys are no fun,” she says with a pout.