The door flies open and Rae walks in. “Hey.”
I glance at her and smile. “Hey, are we still on for Ben&Jerry’s? Because I need it after the afternoon I had.”
“Sure,” she answers with a laugh. “Want to go now?”
Snapping my laptop shut, I jump to my feet. “Please. The only thing that can make me feel better is some Cherry Garcia.”
“Yeah, I’m not going to lie, I’ve been thinking about Half Baked all day.” We lock up our dorm, and I’m relieved to see Jackson and Matt’s door shut. “So, why was your afternoon so bad?” Rae asks as we walk down the hallway.
I relay the events of my music war with Jackson, and by the time I’m done telling the story, we’ve reached the Ben&Jerry’s on campus.
“Wow . . .” Rae says as she pulls open the door to the shop. “That sounds a little . . . aggressive? I mean why not just keep your music lower? Or shut your door? Or maybe don’t play ‘Landslide’ three times in a row?”
I playfully narrow my gaze. “Whose side are you on?”
She laughs and we pay for our frozen treat before settling at a small table outside.
She takes a bite. “I’m just saying, why does it always have to be war with you two? I mean, it sounds like he wasn’t doing anything to bug you before then, right?”
“His existence bugs me,” I grumble before I take another spoonful of cherry chocolate goodness.
Rae shakes her head. “Well, I have to tell you something, and you’re not going to like it.”
My anger dissolves. “Is everything okay?”
She forces a laugh. “Yeah, everything is great—at least I think it is.”
Sitting up straight, I tilt my head. “Well, if you think it’s a good thing, I’m sure I will, too.”
She opens her mouth but hesitates, taking another bite and shrugging.
“Out with it.” I point to her with my spoon. My heart rate picks up as I wait for her to say what’s on her mind. She never keeps things from me.
She lets out a huff and sets her spoon down to put her hair into a low ponytail like she needs to be ready to make a run for it. “Someone asked me out.”
I stare at her, waiting for the part I won’t like. “And you like him? Or is he a stalker who will murder us in our sleep?”
“I like him,” she says with a nod.
My lips turn down. This is our year to do things together, but if she dates someone, we’ll have to bring him along with us. It will be different, but not necessarily bad. I don’t see Rae liking anyone I wouldn’t like. “I’m not seeing a problem here.”
Rae grabs a lock of her hair, running her fingers over the tips. She’s holding back whatever she wants to say. Eventually, she looks away from her hair and settles her green eyes on me. “There isn’t a problem.”
“Okay, great,” I say with a laugh as I try to figure her out.
“But . . .”
“. . . but?”
“Did I mention his roommate plays guitar?” The words come out rushed before she shovels another spoonful of Half Baked into her mouth like it’s a coping mechanism.
I freeze. “You did not.”
She winces, and we stare at each other, my mind reeling. I’ve seen Rae and Matt talk sometimes. Just yesterday they were standing between our two doors when I got home from class. He had said something funny to make her head fall back with laughter, but I had no idea she was interested in him.
“It’s just a date,” she blurts. “There’s a good chance it won’t turn into anything.”