It’s been precisely nineteen minutes since we synchronized watches and agreed to meet. I timed it perfectly and assumed he’d beat me here. Now, I feel dumb. What if he stands me up? Oh God! What if he’s outside, peering through the window and filming me? He could be on the phone will Devon, sharing a laugh about how I’m still hung up on him after all these years.
“Stop fussing. He wouldn’t miss this for the world. I know you think he didn’t like you, but I’ve always had a sneaking suspicion that Deacon gave you attitude because he wanted you for himself,” Ramona murmurs through sips of wine. “I bet you a thousand bucks that you’ll soon find out he was crushing you all along. Trust your friend. Maybe Madame Colette looked into her little crystal ball and saw something you’ve tried to pretend wasn’t real.”
“Pretend what was real? I never liked Devon’s older brother. It’s practically incestuous.” I lie through my teeth. I don’t think Deacon knew about my secret crush. It was fleeting and fizzled out after two years. He was a sexy older man of twenty-five who was studying to become a lawyer. He had genuine muscles and was old enough to sport a five o’clock shadow. I couldn’t overlook so much hotness in one package. That doesn’t mean I wanted to be with him.
Fortunately, his personality stank and whatever mask he wore the first time we met quickly slipped during our second meeting. His sarcasm felt like a stab to my eighteen-year-old heart, but I consoled myself in the knowledge that Deacon LeBlanc was forbidden fruit and falling for my boyfriend’s brother wouldn’t go over well in a small town like Maple Ridge.
I should go. If Deacon LeBlanc stands me up, the news will travel from here to Vermont and I’ll be the laughingstock of Hamilton County. Purely out of principle, I knock back the rest of my fifteen-dollar martini and pull a twenty out of my purse. I tell the bartender and reach for my purse. Maybe I’ll look insane, but the alternative is far too painful to consider.
“Where are you going? Deacon is right outside, carrying a bouquet of peonies. How did he know that’s your favorite flower?” Ramona nudges me back, forcing me to resettle onto the barstool.
I let my gaze subtly drift to the door and drink in the sight of Deacon LeBlanc bringing me flowers. I’m not sure I’ve ever received flowers from anyone outside my family. Stupid Devon thought he took romance to the next level when he bought me a box of chocolates on our only Valentine’s Day together, then proceeded to eat the entire thing.
“Forgive my tardiness.” Deacon approaches with a playful bow, then offers an enthusiastic smile that puts my anxiety at ease. He plucks one flower out from the bouquet and gives it to Ramona. “I apologize for not bringing you flowers, Ramona. Valentine’s Day is almost over and there was only one bouquet left.”
Ramona brings the peony to her face and closes her eyes as she inhales the fragrant aroma. Her cheeks turn pink as a silly grin spreads across her face. “Thank you. That’s so sweet of you, but your date is with Elodie, not me.” She offers Deacon her seat. “I should go and allow you two to catch up. You can have our dinner reservations at Julian’s. There’s no way you’ll find a place to eat that doesn’t have a waiting list a mile long.” She shoots me an unwelcome wink as my mind spins to discern why she’s suddenly so obliging. She’s got something up her sleeve.
I’ve already had one matchmaker tonight. I don’t need two.
Deacon shakes his head, refusing to take her seat, then helping her back onto her stool. He stands protectively behind us, keeping the hordes of men squeezing through the narrow aisle from copping any feels. He’s not overreacting, or assuming the worst of his brethren. I’ve already been subjected to a few unsolicited grabs before his arrival.
“Thank you, Ramona. That’s incredibly kind of you, but I can’t let you leave alone. Elodie and I will take you home before we head to dinner. That’s the least we can do.” Deacon’s gentle voice and thoughtful manners bring a warm feeling to the pit of my stomach. Back home, everyone spoke highly of him. They considered him the sweeter of the two LeBlanc brothers, which I found hard to believe then. He’s never exhibited this side to me before.
“He’s right, Ramona. You’ve had a lot to drink tonight, and I won’t be able to concentrate on dinner if I’m worried about you.” I chime into the conversation, my voice trembling with nerves as I inhale a generous dose of Deacon’s cologne. He smells like a man and although I’m inexperienced with them, I’d like to find out more.
I hate leaving her at home on Valentine’s evening. It feels so disloyal. But she offered, and the call of the wild is more powerful than I anticipated. I’ll find a way to make it up to her later.
“He’s hotter than I remember. The light in the mezzanine did not do this man justice. I’ll bet you’re thrilled,” Ramona shouts in my ear, foolishly under the impression that she’s whispering.
I slink in my seat, as much as that’s possible on a barstool, and bow my head, covering my face with my hand. Mortified, I make a mental note to kill her later.
“Lower your voice. You’re drunk,” I plead.
Ramona isn't a lush, but all that free liquor did not mesh well with being the only one of us without a match.
She hiccups and looks over her shoulder, smiling as she confronts Deacon. “Did you hear that?”
I know she’s trying to help, but her attempt to rectify her error only worsens it.
“What?” Deacon taps his ear. “I can’t hear anything with this music.” He’s lying. I know he’s lying. I saw the look on his face when Ramona pulled away from my ear. His chivalry is commendable, but I fear I’ll spend the next two hours wondering what he heard while stuffing my face with Julian’s Chilean sea bass. “Should we head out?”
I nod and hop off the stool, too embarrassed to take the hand he offers. “Thanks for thinking of Ramona’s well-being. Our place is only a few blocks from Julian’s Restaurant.”
“You live together?” he asks, one eyebrow rising with curiosity. That’s one of the biggest drawbacks of New York—the astronomical rent. If we didn’t live together, I could never afford to live here.
I nod and let him lead me through the crowded lounge. When he places his giant hand on the small of my back, I feel an unfamiliar wave rush through me, like a gust of warm wind soothing me on a cold day.
What would Devon say if he saw me having dinner with his brother?
Do I even care?
Chapter Nine
“When was the last time you went home?” Deacon places his elbows on the table and leans forward, ensuring I hear his question. So far, so good. We’ve managed to get through drinks and appetizers without an ugly word.
I’m unsure what I expected. We dropped off Ramona, and he saw her inside, ensuring her safety before returning to the car. It was thoughtful but unnecessary. Ramona didn’t want or require door-to-door service, but I appreciate the effort. As we drove away, he informed me Ramona told him to be nice or suffer the consequences.
That sounds like her.