“Please, Ayda.” He put on his most charming persona. “Why don't you stay for lunch, at least? The weather is turning sour, so best see if it blows over before you hit the roads again.”

Ayda rolled her eyes. “This is Scotland. The weather is always turning sour.” Ayda’s stomach growled as if on cue, and she cursed slightly under her breath.

Hùisdean knew better than to say anything and let Emmett seize the opportunity.

“See? You must be starving if you've been resetting the wards all morning. That always drains you. We owe you.”

“You don't owe me for my services. You pay me for them in full,” Ayda countered.

“Consider it a tip then,” Lachlan said, throwing his arm over Ayda's shoulder.

Hùisdean ignored the spark of rage whenever someone touched Ayda.

Not the time, he reminded himself. You owe the brothers plenty, seeing as you obviously can't convince Ayda to help on your own.

Hùisdean's temper soured slightly when he saw Ayda's face light up somewhat in response. She playfully shoved Lachlan's arm off her shoulders and raised an eyebrow at the brothers.

“I’m only staying because I know Darragh can cook,” Ayda grunted, heading back outside. “Shout for me when it's done. I'm going to finish some of the wards.”

She disappeared without another word. The heavy front door slammed shut, echoing throughout the house. Hùisdean let out a low whistle.

“That went about as well as I expected it to.”

“Ha,” Lachlan snorted. “That went better than I thought. You've never seen Ayda mad.”

Hùisdean shook his head slowly. He quickly realized that he didn’t like the brothers’ familiarity with Ayda. She’s been working for their family for years, he reminded himself. It's not like she's dating any of them. Yet.

“Well, come on now.” Emmett started herding people towards the door. “We have a witch to charm, gentlemen, so you're all on kitchen duty.”

Lachlan and Darragh groaned exaggeratedly, and the O'Neil brothers disappeared towards the kitchen. Hùisdean began to follow the brothers when Calum cleared his throat, getting Hùisdean's attention.

“Hùisdean,” Calum started, “I know the position that you've been in. You’ll need other people's help to figure this out, so it's best to check your pride at the door.” Calum's voice was stern, and Hùisdean suppressed a shiver. It sounded like his father was reprimanding him. He pushed past his initial response to become defensive and sighed heavily, raising his hands in defeat as he pushed himself off the bookshelf.

“I know,” Hùisdean agreed. “I’m not trying to be more difficult here. I know I've arrived here asking for help.” Calum clapped him on the shoulder, starting to escort him towards the kitchen.

“Then might I recommend honey instead of vinegar, my dear friend? You're not going to get Ayda's help by tormenting her.” An unfamiliar chill went down Hùisdean's spine. He didn't know what to say, placating Calum with a simple nod of agreement.

The princes entered the kitchen, finding a mess of organized chaos. Emmett was barking orders, and Calum and Hùisdean quickly fell in line. Hùisdean lost his thoughts while chopping various things Emmett shoved his way. Ayda would probably get a kick out of the fact that five grown, powerful, magical males are all attempting to cook a five-star lunch to entice her to lend me her services.

The storm slowly started rolling in over the horizon, the dark clouds making it look like it was nearly dusk when it was hardly mid-afternoon. Hùisdean peered outside the window at the angry clouds, scanning the estate grounds to try and catch a glimpse of Ayda.

“Should you let Ayda know lunch is almost ready? It looks like the weather is going to—”

“It’s so sweet how you’re worried about me,” Ayda interrupted Hùisdean, stepping through the kitchen’s back door. Her hair had started to curl in the humidity, some falling loose from her braid. Hùisdean hated how he immediately latched onto the image and wondered if she always smelled like fresh water and flowers. Hùisdean only grunted in response, forcing himself to roll his eyes to keep up his calm reaction.

“I’d hate to see you melting if you got too wet,” Hùisdean snapped back.

“Ooh, a wicked witch reference? How original,” Ayda scoffed, pushing past Calum and beginning to help herself to the serving platters of food spread out on the counter. The O’Neil brothers chuckled, and everyone silently piled up their plates. The kitchen fell into amicable chatter as the group funneled into the dining room and descended on the food.

Hùisdean was the last to enter, and the only empty chair was sitting across from Ayda. Lachlan and Darragh flanked her on either side, and Hùisdean had to remind himself that they were his allies.

“So,” Calum started from the head of the table, “Hùisdean, do you mind elaborating on some of the things you and your people have been seeing regarding the curse on the Shetland Islands?”

Hùisdean couldn’t help but study Ayda’s expression as she reacted to Calum’s choice of topic. She briefly flicked her gaze to the prince and then preoccupied herself with a mound of potatoes. Calum was smart—Hùisdean knew he was baiting Ayda subtly by trying to intrigue her with the magical mystery.

“Well,” Hùisdean started, “it began once the curse on Scotland was broken. I’m not sure if it’s related, but it would be a weird coincidence if it weren’t.”

“It’s related,” Ayda interrupted, sitting taller in her seat. “My mother told me something about this. When there are massive shifts in energy and magic, such as Scotland’s curse being broken, it shakes the magical foundation of surrounding areas.”