“There will be a dinner tonight to welcome you.” Wyn brightened, clearly trying to steer the conversation away from wherever dark place it had descended to.

Ayda's eyes got wider. “A dinner? I didn’t pack anything suitable for a dinner, especially a formal one.”

Hùisdean cleared his throat and walked towards the dock as the ship rested. “Something will be provided for you, Ayda. No one would want you to feel uncomfortable.” The warmness in his voice made Ayda flush from her head to her toes, and she was grateful that his back was towards her.

“Forgive him and his wretched manners.” Wyn extended his arm towards Ayda. “All of this business has him rather stressed out. Welcome to the Shetland Islands, Ms. Ayda.” Wyn offered her a winning smile and escorted her down the gangplank.

The dock was relatively calm, with only a few other boats and ferries stationed there. Hùisdean was already several feet ahead of them, approaching another tall elf. The non-magical people maneuvering around the docks didn't seem at all interested or bothered by Hùisdean and the elf's sudden presence, indicating how genuinely integrated into the isles the elves's presence was. Ayda took a few deep breaths to center herself, putting on the vast, easy-going smile she had perfected for meeting new clients.

“Ayda,” Hùisdean nodded as she approached, “this is Luvon, my secretary.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you.” Ayda held out her hand, and Luvon quickly shook it, greeting her with a wide grin. He stood only a hair shorter than Hùisdean, in head-to-toe black. His tunic and pants were embroidered in silver, and his leather boots were well-worn, although Ayda could still see the excellent craftsmanship. What caught her interest was the sword hanging from Luvon's waist. It was too decorative to be a defensive weapon, leading Ayda to assume it was decorative or indicative of Luvon's stature in the royal household.

Hùisdean chuckled, and the deep noise snapped Ayda out of her revelry.

“Looking at other men's swords, are we?” Hùisdean's voice dripped in innuendo. Luvon smirked, clearly not put out by the implication. If Ayda could remember anything correctly about court politics, Luvon and Hùisdean would likely be closer than a typical employer and staff member. It had been one thing her parents hadn't extensively educated her on.

Ayda tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. “Don't get upset. You needed magic to win in the end.”

“I’m an elf, love. We all use magic,” Hùisdean countered quickly.

“It's not just for decoration,” Wyn jumped in, angling his body between Hùisdean and Ayda. “While human courts utilize ceremonial weaponry, the elves don't. Every blade is just as dangerous as it is beautiful.”

Ayda nodded, staring again at the delicate scabbard hanging off Luvon's waist.

“Once we're back at the castle, I'll let you hold it, Miss Ayda.” He offered with a short bow.

“Oh, just Ayda, please—”

“She'll be busy.” Hùisdean cut off Ayda and glared at Luvon, although Ayda could see no real heat in it. Luvon and Wyn started laughing at Hùisdean's disgruntled expression, and Ayda covered her hand with her mouth to keep herself from joining in.

“I could have you all exiled, you know,” Hùisdean snapped, stomping off toward some of the low buildings near the docks.

“Dad loves me more!” Wyn called out after him, beckoning them all to follow Hùisdean's lead.

“I can vouch for His Royal Highness's opinions on that,” Luvon shouted, elbowing Wyn in the side playfully. Ayda had warm feelings as she watched them interact. It was clear that Hùisdean and Wyn were as close as brothers could be, and Luvon was too. Her parents had always been supportive and loving while holding her to high expectations, but Ayda was an only child. She wondered what being part of a large, rambunctious family would have been like. Her mother was an only child too, and while she had cousins on her father's side, she only saw them every couple of years when she traveled back to Kolkata.

Ayda slowed when she realized Hùisdean, Luvon, and Wyn had walked past one of the port offices and started heading toward the woods behind them.

“Don't worry about it,” Wyn called over his shoulder, sensing Ayda's hesitation.

“The portal to the castle is in the woods, Ayda,” Hùisdean tacked on.

Ayda picked up her pace to close the gap between them. After only a few minutes, the trees grew thicker around them, and the sounds and sights of the docks had almost disappeared entirely. If it weren't for the smell of seawater and the occasional seagull, Ayda wouldn't have even known they were so close to the sea.

The forest was thick with pine trees, and Ayda breathed in deeply. She enjoyed the ocean and a boat trip as much as anyone, but nothing felt as good as the forest. She didn't even realize she was smiling until she caught Hùisdean staring at her.

“Is there something on my face?” Ayda quickly wiped at her chin.

“No, no,” Hùisdean slowed until he walked beside her, letting Luvon and Wyn take the lead. “I feel the same, you know. In the forest.”

“How do you know that I was thinking about the forest?” Ayda smirked, stepping over a fallen tree trunk. She stumbled briefly, and Hùisdean's hands went around her waist instantly to help settle her. Ayda's breath caught in her throat, the heat of his palms seeping through her shirt.

“Because,” Hùisdean grinned, not letting go of Ayda, “I know that look.”

Ayda did not attempt to move. “For all you know, I might be thinking about Luvon's sword,” she said.

Hùisdean's brow furrowed playfully as he snorted. “Ha! You'd be disappointed in the end.”