“I might even let you, Savage. If you didn’t act like I was a bitch all the time.” She rotates and starts walking away.
“But you are a bitch!” he calls after her.
Jax and I laugh and fade into the party of at least a hundred kids, handing out prizes, candies, and playing games. I had almost forgotten Brody was coming, until I rounded a corner to seek out more candy for a group of kids and he steps in front of me. “Emma,” he greets.
My heart lurches. “Hi, Brody.” I eye his skeleton costume. “I like it. Does it glow?”
“No. I’m not that exciting.”
I lower my voice conspiratorially. “Neither is your brother who basically wore a suit.”
“I’m sorry.”
I blink. “What?”
“For what I did to you. My brother loves you. I see that when he looks at you.”
My heart swells with his words and this surprising turn of events. “I love him, too.”
“I love him,” he whispers. The whisper gets me.
“I have something special I want to show you and Jax tonight, after the kids leave.” I grab his arm. “Will you stay?”
“I damn sure don’t want to go home.”
“Well, then don’t. Grab some candy and hand it out.”
He gives a short nod and walks into one of the candy rooms. Jax steps to my side. “Everything okay?”
“Yes.” I turn to face him. “I have something for both of you. I asked him to stay until after the kids leave.”
His brow furrows. “Now I’m curious.”
I kiss him. “Well, my very sexy Superman, you’ll know soon enough.” Now, I rotate away from Jax and go in search of kids who need treats. And maybe one of those donuts because God, what have I done?
Chapter one hundred twenty-eight
The party is a huge success, and Emma is as charming as ever. The kids love her. The parents love her. Even Jill seems to be coming around. I’d say the same about Brody, but as Emma and I see out the final family, he’s nowhere to be found. “No luck finding Brody?” Emma asks when the doors are sealed.
“No. I’ve looked high and low.”
“It must have been too much for him,” she says, brushing her fingers over my jaw. “Maybe you can show him the new addition I made to the castle.” She laces her fingers with mine. “After I show you.”
“Now, I’m curious again. An addition to the castle?
“Yes,” she says primly. “An addition to the castle. Come with me.”
“Night, you two,” Jill calls out as we walk away.”
“Night,” Emma calls back.
“You two are getting along,” I say, rather shocked at how far we’ve come.
“She loves Halloween. Says it’s her most favorite holiday ever.”
I chuckle at that. “Is it a holiday?”