“Yes,” I agree. “He does.”
“Good.” He glances at Jax over my shoulder. “Don’t hurt her or war begins again.”
“As it should,” Jax assures him.
Chance releases me. “When do you leave for Maine and the castle that Jax still owns?”
“Tomorrow morning,” I say.
He scrubs his jaw. “That’s fast. Fuck. Really fast, considering I know you’re leaving for good but okay. Will you still work here?”
“Yes. I’ll see you through the merger and decide what comes next then. From Maine. I need to work remotely.”
“You know I already said you can do what works for you.” He shifts the topic. “I’ll see you off at the airport. Text me your flight information.”
A few minutes later, Jax and I have set Billie free of his duty here, and we’re back in the SUV, that surreal feeling back with force. Jax laces his fingers with mine. “How are you feeling?”
“Good,” I say. “One chapter closed.”
“And an entire new book now begins,” he supplies, kissing my hand.
Chapter one hundred twenty-six
Savage shuts us inside the SUV.
One chapter closed.
Chance did me right. He did his sister right, too. As the SUV pulls away from the building for the short ride to the bank, Emma pulls out her inheritance envelope. “I don’t know why I don’t seem to want to open it.”
Of course, she doesn’t. It’s from her shithead father who used it as a weapon against her brother.
“There’s no rush.” I stroke her hair. “Do it tonight. Do it whenever it feels right.”
She nods but doesn’t put the envelope away or open it. A block later, when we halt at the bank, she says, “Tonight, I think,” stuffing it back into her purse.
I think she might need some North Whiskey to go through with it even then. Luckily, I’m well connected. I’ll order her up an extra special bottle. She scoots out of the vehicle, and I follow, ushering her inside the bank lobby. “What are we doing here, exactly?”
“Remember, earlier, when I said you’ll see?”
Her brows furrow. “About the gifts?”
“The necessities. Yes.” A banker walks toward us, and I catch Emma’s hand, greeting the thirty-something redhead named Mona, who is quick to settle us into her office.
“What can I do for you today?” Mona asks.
“I need you to add Emma to my accounts.”
Emma blanches. “What? No.” She rotates to face me. “No.”
Mona clears her throat. “Do you need a moment?”
“No,” I say. “Get her a signature card.” I set a card on the desk with my account numbers on it.
She keys in the first account, and her eyes shoot to mine. “Mr. North, as in the whiskey?” A fact she now knows because of my corporate account.
I lift a confirming hand and focus on Emma. “I need your ID.”