I remind myself that I’m wearing a wire. I have plenty of help nearby. I shut the door and lean against it. “Afraid?” he asks.
“You’re acting weird.”
“I know you were with Grayson this weekend.”
I’m stunned despite being prepared and I react instantly. “You had me followed? Really, Ri? I’ve been here a year. Have you had me followed the entire time?”
“He’s a competitor. It’s reasonable.”
“That’s a yes. I can’t believe you.”
“You were at his house.”
“I don’t have to explain myself, but yes, I was. He owed me money on an investment and he made me collect in person.”
“For the entire weekend?”
“Yes, Ri. And now I know he and I are really over. I had to find out. I had to know.”
“He fucked Becky. That was pretty over, or I thought it was. Maybe you don’t give a shit what pussy he sticks his cock into as long as you have his money.”
“You’re a son of a bitch, Ri. I can’t believe I ever came to work for you.”
“Well you did, and you have a contract, and if you leave or betray me with him I’ll destroy you.”
His cellphone rings and my heart lurches with the hope that this is the distraction. He answers the line and scowls. “Towed? What the fuck? Stop them. Yes. I’ll be right there.” He rounds his desk. “My car is being towed. Do not fucking leave my office, Mia. You wait because we aren’t done.” He exits his office and I follow him, watching as he disappears through the glass doors.
Adrenaline shoots through me and I shut the door, rush to his desk and pull open the drawer, relieved to find the phone. I grab it, find the number, and text it to the group. I set it back in the drawer and quickly start searching drawers. I reach for the one beneath the phone and it’s locked. I open his top desk drawer and find a key. Luckily it works which makes locking the drawer a joke, but thankfully Ri is funny like that.
I open the drawer and find a file that reads “Bennett” on it. I open it and want to be sick. It’s all the records of the set-up, including a list of Grayson’s employees being paid to help Ri. I shoot photos, lots of photos and decide I just need to take the file. This is all we need to end this. I text what photos I took to the group, shut the drawer, lock it and decide, that’s it—I’m leaving. I rush out of his office and into mine because I need to seem normal. I need to seem like I just left mad, or quit. Otherwise, Ri will search his office. I grab my briefcase and computer, stick the file inside, and head for the elevator.
Still no warning about Ri which means he could come up the elevator at any moment. I don’t know what areas of the office Kara can see. She might not even know where I’m standing. Shemight only be able to see Ri right now. I cut right and enter the stairwell, starting to run down the steps. It’s a long way down but I just want out of here. I want out of this building and this office. Relief washes over me as I near the exit and I’ve just stepped off the final step when the door bursts open with Ri entering the stairwell.
My heart lurches. “I thought you forgot me. I was coming to make sure you were still here.”
He glances at my briefcase and me and then growls, “Bullshit. You thought I’d take the elevator. And I just realized I left you in my office after you spent the weekend with Grayson.”
He lunges for me and I turn to try to run but it’s too little too late. He grabs my hair and all but rips it out as he yanks me around to face him. “What do you have in your bag?” He reaches for it, and I punch him, giving help time to arrive, I hope, but it does no good.
He reaches into my bag that I stupidly didn’t zip and grabs the folder. “You little bitch.” He drops it on the ground and shoves me against the wall. “I should have known you were still fucking him. That will never get out of this building.”
“It doesn’t matter. I took pictures. I sent proof to the police. Did you really think you could frame Grayson and get away with it?”
“I’ll get away with it. You’ll be dead and I’ll tell them you were setting me up.”
“Dead? You’re going to kill me? Are you serious?”
“Yes, Mia. You’ll die.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. “Mia will need to be dealt with tonight but not until I’m done with her. Pick her up at the normal spot.” He ends the call. “We fuck first. Maybe you can talk me out of killing you.”
I try to knee him but he catches my leg. “Not this time, sweetheart. This time I fuck you, you don’t fuck me.” He pulls out a gun. “Just in case you think you might scream. Thinkagain.” He yanks me off the wall and starts pulling me by the hair toward the door. That’s when the door bursts open and Grayson appears holding a gun followed by Blake.
“Grayson,” I breathe out, as the two men stand side by side, Blake directly in front of Ri, but it’s Grayson Ri is looking at, his gun now pointed at him.
“Let her go, Ri, or I will shoot you,” Grayson says, stepping closer. “And I’ll enjoy it.”
Ri holds the gun on him to my head. “We walk out together or she leaves dead. Decide.”
Chapter forty-one