Page 92 of True to You

“You don’t need to explain.” He lets out a deep breath. “Iz, you don’t have to explain anything. I’m the idiot who blew it.” He takes another deep breath and meets my eyes. “Just be careful with that ass, okay?”

I jerk my hand away, insult painting my face. “Matt, what the hell is going on?”

“Nothing, I just …” He lets out a frustrated growl. “I screwed up, okay? I shouldn’t have acted like I did yesterday. So yeah, I’m the asshole, okay? I’m the one who should’ve just did what you wanted, but no. No, I had to go and be stupid and stubborn. And I suck. And I have no idea what I’m doing for college, and stupid dickheads like Oscar think they’re God’s gift to girls, and I’m screwing it all up.”

My mouth’s open but I have no idea where to even begin to reply to his babbling string of whatever that was.

“Hey.” I reach for his hand again, this time interlocking our fingers. He closes his eyes, his face pained. “What’s going on? Why are you even talking about college?”

He shakes his head. “I got into this stupid argument yesterday with my dad. He found out I didn’t apply to any colleges.”


“Yeah. He still wants to pull some strings and try to get me into UCI, but I told him don’t. I have no idea … just forget it.”

“I want to apologize.”

His eye shoot to me. “For what?”

“Everything with Oscar. I wasn’t really going to go with him, but I got so mad yesterday that I told him I would.”

“You see.” He shakes his head, staring at the ground. “That’s my fault too. Damn it!”

“Matt, I—”

“It’s fine. I mean, it’s not fine, but I get it.” Unwrapping his hand from mine, he takes a step back. “I should go.”

“Oh, okay,” I say, even though I don’t want him to leave. Even though I have so much more I want to say. But he’s already walking away.

At lunch, I slump down at our table where Cindy and Veronica are already sitting down.

“What’s up, chica?” Veronica asks.

“Nothing,” I grumble, before snapping my head up to her. “You. You and this stupid plan, I feel like it ruined everything.”

“What are you talking about?” She looks at me, confused.

“You told Oscar that I wasn’t going out with Matt.”

“Uh, yeah.” She still looks confused. “I know you regret saying yes, but if McFanboy is stupid enough not to put up a fight, then it’s his loss.”

“Oh, he put up a fight all right.”

“What?” Veronica and Cindy both look at me unsure.

“He got in a fight this morning with him.”

“Really?” Cindy leans in, excited.

“Yes. I saw him, and he’s got a busted lip.”

“Izzy, two guys are fighting over you!” Veronica squees.

“First off, I don’t think Oscar was so much fighting over me, as he was just fighting because of me. And secondly, V, this is horrible! I don’t want to go to prom with Oscar! He’s probably going to try to make out with me all night or worse.”

“So, just tell him you changed your mind,” Cindy says.

“No,” I groan. “That’d make me feel bad. I can’t back out on him.”