“Stupid.” She folds her arms, looking back at the paper. “Fine, whatever. Greg, you guys finish the tallies?”
“Yeah, for the most part.” He stands up. “I mean, there’s still maybe a dozen or so, but it doesn’t look like that’ll be enough to cast out anyone.”
“Did I make it?” Oscar eagerly leans over his desk.
He could’ve kept track of the counts the entire time, but he said he wanted to be surprised.
“You made it,” Greg says.
“Who else for the guys?” Yvette orders, still burning from the fact that Izzy came in second place.
I walk over to check out the list as Greg starts reading. “So, like I said, we got Oscar. Matt’s on the court.” I roll my eyes. “We also have Franco Avila. Our starting QB this year, Bret Thompson.”
I nod. “Bret’s a cool dude.”
“And, of course, Sam Patterson,” Greg finishes.
“At least one of the joke votes knows their place.” Yvette curls a lip.
“Okay.” I ignore her. “Who’s on the girl’s court?”
“So,” Oscar starts, taking the paper from Yvette’s desk. “Yvette and Sarah, obviously. Then Isabel.” He snickers making Yvette let out a loud, annoyed groan. “Jen Harris and Natalie Frazier.”
“We already know the themes for next week, so now we need to make the couples,” Yvette says, looking at me.
“Yeah, I had an idea about that.” I take a seat on top of a desk. “Like you guys, I saw all the posters for Izzy.”
“Those were so lame,” Yvette groans.
“I kind of liked them,” Greg counters.
“Anyways.” I give Yvette a look to calm down. “No one knew how well she’d do, but, Yvette, I don’t think we should pair Sam and her up?”
“What?” Yvette scoffs. “Of course, we should. That’s the whole point, Matt.”
“I know it has been, in the past. But she came in second. Do you know why?” Yvette shakes her head, and I look over at Oscar, who shrugs. “It’s because she owned this joke vote. She didn’t let us make fun of her. And people got behind that. If you pair her up with Sam, how much more do you think she’ll get people voting for her during court week.”
“Matt.” Yvette lets out a long breath, scowling. “You don’t actually think she’s going to be able to get the votes for prom queen, do you?”
“I don’t know.” I feign ignorance. I actually think she will, but this is all part of my plan. “But, I know you want that crown. Do you really want to chance putting her with Sam, and adding even more fuel to the fire?”
Greg nods. “He kind of has a point.”
“So, what’s your suggestion then?” Yvette folds her arms.
“We mix it up. Let’s put Sam with someone else.”
“I’m not doing that.” She looks disgusted.
“Whoa, I didn’t say you. Let’s go with, I don’t know, Natalie? And I’ll couple with Isabel.”
“You?” Oscar shoots me an unbelieving look.
“What?” Yvette stares at me like I just grew a second head.
“Hear me out.” I put up a finger.