Carter looks at me, then back at her, gritting his teeth. “Those aren’t rumors, girl.”
“Well, every player needs someone to pull in the reins.”
I give Carter a worried look, while Emma stares at her friend. “You really like him?”
For a brief moment, the party girl, care-free attitude, disappears. Jen exchanges looks with Emma, and all I see is a girl who likes a boy. I wish I can say more to her, but I don’t know her that well. Plus, even if I’m not good friends with Franco, I don’t feel like I can bash him for hooking up with girls who also have no problem just hooking up. I just hope it isn’t going to happen to Jen, who’s become a friend now.
“I’ll see what’s up,” Carter acquiesces.
I shoot him an are you sure look, but he doesn’t look at me. He doesn’t have to. We’re both thinking the same thing.
The moment of honesty is over, and Jen goes back to talking about the kind of dress she wants to get. I look to the other side of the quad where Izzy eats lunch with her friends. I wonder if things were just a little different, and I wasn’t a closet nerd, would I ask her to the dance? I’d like to think I would.
After my last class, I send her a text. Our instruction is to go to a supermarket and do the ‘shopping’, so we decide to go to one just down the street from school, that sits at the end of a strip mall.
I pull into the parking lot and realize I have no idea what kind of car she drives. Getting out, I wait next to my car, hoping she sees me and we don’t have to go searching for one another inside the store. After about five minutes, she pulls into the parking spot next to me.
“Wow.” She whistles as she locks her door.
“Mr. President on fleek.” She looks over my car.
“Don’t tell me you’re a car chick?”
“First of all, that’s pejorative.”
“Secondly, I’m not. But a Lexus IS 250 is certainly a nice car.” She runs her finger over the silver paint job.
It is a nice car. But other than going fast, I have no clue of the engine type, how much horsepower, or cylinders, or anything else that someone who’s into cars knows. It was a sixteenth birthday present from my dad.
Living with a father who’s barely home, we have a housekeeper. My brother and I are afforded pretty much anything we want, which again, I think is due to my dad just wanting to make sure his two sons are happy and not pissed off. Isaac has taken the divorce pretty well, all things considered, but I was seriously pissed off at them both for a while. Who gets divorced, not for infidelity or even because you fall out of love, but because of money reasons?
As I said, it sucks. But I did choose to stay in California. With myself grumbling under my breath whenever my dad was home, the guilt gifts were plentiful.
I know that’s certainly the reason I got a brand-new Lexus on my sixteenth birthday. It was close to the one-year anniversary of my parents’ divorce. He didn’t have to say it, but I know that’s why he bought it. On the plus side, arriving at school in a new Lexus always looks pretty cool. Hey, a president has to ride in style, right?
“Eh.” I brush it off. “A car’s a car. You got a Honda Civic. Those things aren’t too shabby.”
She stops, turning her head to the side. “You seriously aren’t comparing my ten-year-old Civic, to your nearly-brand-new Lexus.”
I laugh. “Come on.”
We both have our packets out as we walk down the aisles, pointing at different items we want for our egg. We hit up baby food and diapers first. Turning to the breakfast aisle, I point at a box.
“Okay, Fruit Loops or Frosted Flakes?”
“What? Toucan Sam or Tony the Tiger? They’re the best.”
“Nope.” She smiles and reaches for a different box. “My heart belongs to Lucky.” She clutches a box of Lucky Charms.
“Okay, I’ll give you that one.”
After the cereal aisle, we move along and find ourselves in toiletries and bathroom supplies. Going over dish soap and laundry detergent, I take a look behind us and see shampoo and conditioner. I grab a bottle of each since I’m running low, and our housekeeper isn’t going shopping for us until the end of the week.