Page 96 of True to You

Chapter 33


I try and fail multiple times to work on a new video. Usually, when something is bothering me, I can vent in my videos. But there’s no venting I want to do. I’m just confused. I’m not sure what exactly Matt was mad about at school. If I didn’t mean much to him, there’s no way he’d get in a fight with Oscar over me. But he did. I texted Oscar after school, and he said it was ‘no big thing’ and didn’t reply after that. I agreed to go to prom with him but I’m regretting it every minute that passes by. And not just because I feel guilty about Matt.

Oscar hasn’t been specific about when he is picking me up. Or if we were doing anything beforehand. All he texted was, ‘I’m sure you’ll look hot’. That’s it.

I accompany Cindy and Veronica as we go get our nails done in the afternoon.

“It’s like, he asked me, but doesn’t really want to go with me,” I say, taking a drink of my smoothie I got as we wait for Cindy to finish up with her nails.

“I still can’t believe you said yes,” Veronica scoffs.

“V, this was your idea. You told him I wasn’t going out with Matt.”

“Yes, but I didn’t say you should say yes to him. It was just to get Matt jealous so that he would ask you again.”

“Yeah, well, that worked out great.” I slump my shoulders.

“Are you still coming with us before the dance? We decided on Chart House.”


“Yeah, who cares if we don’t have dates. We still want to eat at a fancy place.”

“Exactly.” I stand up a little straighter, smiling at her. “Of course, I’m in. I don’t even know what Oscar’s deal is. He hasn’t texted me all day.”

“You should just tell him no.”

“V, the dance is in six hours. I can’t do that.”

“I know, I know.” Veronica gestures over to the nail place as Cindy makes her way out. “When did he say he’s picking you up?”

“He didn’t.” I scowl. “Seriously, this has to be the worst prom date in the history of prom dates.”

“Look.” Cindy wiggles her fingers at us, displaying the new designs on them. “I love ‘em!”

“They look amazing,” Veronica adds.

“Now, what’s this about worst prom dates?”

“Nothing.” I groan as we turn and start walking along the outdoor galleria.

Our nails are finished, so now we just have to pick up Cindy’s dress. Veronica’s is already at my house, and I finished mine last night. We are all going to get ready at my house as kind of our last hurrah of high school.

“Oh, are we talking about McTool?”

“You and your McNicknames.”

We laugh as we make our way down to the store where Cindy’s dress is and head back home.

My dad’s home but stays out of our way while we run back and forth, between the living room, my room, and the bathroom. Veronica and Cindy have become quite comfortable around him over the years and don’t bat an eyelash as they get ready.

The top of my dress is daisy yellow, and I found a red, shimmering shawl I was able to customize. Even though it sits on my shoulders, it hangs low around the back, so it resembles Faye’s jacket in the show. The rest was just making sure I find the right matching skirt that went along with it, which oddly, was easy enough.

Veronica decided to go with a beautiful black lace dress, which goes down to just below her knees. The lace is covered underneath from the bottom, up to her chest. Just above that, and along the short sleeves that go down to her elbows, the lace is open, showing off her incredible gorgeous tan. She originally wanted a similar dress that was blue but opted to go for the black one because she said it would give her a slimming effect.

“You’re beautiful,” both Cindy and I told her when she said that. We know she’s always dealt with weight issues and have heard people say she carries it well. Of course, she hates when people tell her that.