Page 91 of True to You

Chapter 31


I hate feeling nervous the entire morning, knowing I should at least explain to Matt what I did. It’s so stupid, and as soon as I did it, I immediately regretted it. But I did it in a fit of anger.

My first thought was that Veronica’s plan was working. But Matt was acting so possessive. Even though I liked that he wanted me to himself, I’d want him to myself too, but he never committed to the prom date. He didn’t even bring it up again. When he blew up in the parking lot, I was so pissed off that as soon as I got home I texted Oscar, telling him I’d go to prom with him. As soon as I hit send I wanted to immediately take it back.

Yes, Oscar is a douchebag. Yes, he’s a little sleazy. And Matt’s right, he is kind of a dick. But even with all that, and I’m not saying it’s a good thing, he was still who he was. Even if he is a tool, he doesn’t try to hide it. And I think that’s what pissed me off most. Oscar has no problem being who he is, while Matt is awesome and hides it.

The entire morning, I know I want to tell Matt what I did. Maybe he doesn’t deserve an explanation because we aren’t technically going out. We aren’t even going to prom together. But I feel like I want him to hear it from me. At least I might be able to explain to him why I told Oscar yes.

Getting to our class, I’m hoping he doesn’t show up as late as he usually does, so we’ll have a couple minutes to talk. As I walk into the classroom, he’s already at his seat. His hand is under his face, looking down at his book.

“Hey,” I say, sliding into my seat.

“Hey,” he answers bluntly, without looking at me.

“So, about yesterday and prom.”

“Just forget it.”

“What do you mean, forget it?” He finally looks up at me, and I see his bottom lip bruised and puffy. “Oh my God. What happened?”

I reach over to touch his lip, and I’m hit with a wave of sadness and rejection, as he jerks his head back. “Nothing.”


“It’s nothing.”

“It doesn’t look like nothing.”

“Yeah, well, I got the first shot, so I can’t feel too bad.”

“You?” I shake my head, trying to understand. “Did you get in a fight?”

“No, just a disagreement.”

“With who?”

“Your prom date.” He rolls his eyes, looking back down at his book.

Before I can ask anything more, the bell rings, and Mrs. Henderson starts talking to us. I don’t want to chance drawing any unnecessary attention to us, so I turn around and try to focus, but fail miserably.

For the next hour, I’m racking my brain wondering why Matt got into a fight with Oscar? What had he told him, or what had Oscar told Matt? Sure, I said yes, but it couldn’t just be over that, could it? Matt didn’t seem like the type to lose his cool easily, so if he got mad enough to actually get in a fight, it must’ve been bad. Right? Or maybe Oscar was egging him on? Oscar seems like a person to do that. Like I said, I know the type of guy Oscar is, but he’s like that with everyone.

The bell rings as the thoughts still fly around in my head. Matt gets up quickly and leaves the room without saying a word. Grabbing my bag, I hurry after him.

“Matt!” I call out, but he just keeps walking. I grab his hand, forcing him to stop. “Please, just stop for a minute.”

He looks down at our hands clasped together. A slight wave of nervousness flies over me, but I push it aside.


“Hey, don’t do this.”

“Do what?”

“Push me away.” I take a step closer to him, keeping my hand around his. “Please, just let me explain.”