Page 6 of True to You

“Izzy—sorry—Isabel Jacobs? I’m a guest judge for the cosplay contest tomorrow.”

“Oh crap! I knew you looked familiar!” The girl starts jumping up and down. “I’ve seen some of your videos.”

“Thanks.” I give her a sheepish smile.

“Here, what’s your friend’s name?”

“Cindy Cosgrove,” Cindy speaks up.

“Cosgrove?” she asks, flashing her a curious look before walking away.

Cindy gives me the look, and I just lift my shoulders. Cindy is half-Korean. Her grandparents emigrated from South Korea, and her mom was born in Seattle. But she gets inappropriate questions all the time. Mostly asking where she’s from, even though she was born in California.

The girl walks over to another booth and searches through the files. She grabs her ticket and walks back over to us.

“Here you go.” She leans in a little closer, to whisper to me. “I threw in a couple extra food vouchers in there for you.”

“Oh, my gosh, thank you!” I give her a quick hug and look at her badge. “Bethany. I’ll be sure to give you a shout out tomorrow when I film. Thanks so much!”

“Awesome. Enjoy the show.” She gives us both a smile as we slip our lanyard badges over our necks and proceed to hit the floor.

With the line outside still being let in, the main showroom floor is pretty vacant, which is great. Veronica was totally right about Cindy. She loves all this stuff just as much as I do. We visit a bunch of booths, some artist tables, and hit up the Viz Media lounge, checking out the new animes that will be coming out. By the time we’re done there, the place is starting to get pretty full, so we decide to head over to the food area and grab something to eat.

“This is so awesome,” Cindy looks around at the masses while taking a sip of her soda. “I guess it pays to be friends with a celebrity.”

“Shut up.” I laugh and throw a french fry at her. “Quasi-celebrity, if that.”

“Quasi? Yeah right. That girl was so excited this morning.”

“Yeah, that was weird.”

“Girl, that was awesome.” She laughs. “I can’t believe how many people are here though. Glad we got in early to avoid being crammed in all together like cattle.”

“I know, right? I think they said they were expecting over seventy thousand attendees this year. That’s insane.”

“Did you want to stay all day?”

“I don’t know,” I say, biting another fry. “We could head out early if you want? I already checked in with my dad this hour.” I make a gagging noise, sticking my finger in my mouth. “You want to check out some of the city?”

“Totally. Let’s go hit on some east coast college guys.”

“Calm down.” I laugh.

It’s not that I’d be opposed to hitting on a college guy, especially if they’re hot, but I still had to make a video update and post it to my channel. Tomorrow’s going to be so awesome.