Page 57 of True to You

We even venture into a little more serious talk when Matt asks about my mom. I tell him about how she died when I was five. I remember crying a lot, visiting her in the hospital when she was going through chemo, but it’s so long ago that it doesn’t hurt as much as it used to. We briefly discuss how my two aunts helped out when I needed ‘girl time’ or to figure out ‘lady stuff’. Those are the words I use too, because I really don’t want to talk about training bras or periods in front of Matt. Or my dad, for that matter, any more than he’s already heard over the years.

The conversation switches back to his parents and their divorce, and how he only sees his mom a few times a year.

“That’s why I was in New York. Isaac and I were visiting my mom for the week.”

“Other than the costume contest, how’d you enjoy the convention thingy?” Dad asks.

“Daddy, you know for being such a computer nerd, you sure don’t keep up with the real geek stuff.”

“Excuse me.” He rolls his eyes. “All I need to know is Star Trek: The Original Series and the first three Star Wars movie and I’m allowed to keep my geek cred for life.”

We all laugh, and it feels so natural. Matt seems to get more comfortable as dinner goes on, especially since we aren’t talking about his future, and dad is much more pleasant than he usually is in front of guys who’ve met him before. Probably because I told him Matt isn’t a boyfriend. And he isn’t. But every time I hear Matt laugh or watch him smile, whether at me or not, I question everything I’ve told him and tell myself.

“Well, I better get going,” Matt says, taking a look at the time on his phone.

“Matt, it was a pleasure meeting you.” Dad gets up from the table, extending his hand to Matt, who shakes it.

“Yes, sir. It was nice meeting you too.”

“I’ll walk you out.” I get up and follow Matt as he heads to the front door.

I’m just about out the door when my dad calls back. “Isabel, don’t stay out there too long.” He cocks his head to the side, giving me a warning look.

“Daddy,” I say through gritted teeth. Matt’s already out the door, so I’m hoping he didn’t hear it, but I hear him chuckle under his breath as I walk through the doorway.

“So,” Matt starts as he leans against his car door. “As far as meeting parents go, that was the most painless encounter I’ve had yet.”

“Oh, meet a lot of parents, have you?”

“A few.” He smirks. “Seriously, though, thanks for inviting me to dinner, even though I know you were just hoping I’d say no.” I let out a guilty smile. “It actually felt like a real family dinner.”

“Um, that’s because it was a real family dinner.”

“No, I know.” He laughs. “It’s just that we don’t eat with my dad much. Debbie cooks our dinners for us most of the time and we’ll either eat watching TV or in our rooms.”


“So, yeah. This was nice. And …” He flashes a coy smirk. “I think I transitioned back nicely in there.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, when I first showed up, your dad thought I was a guy to be worried over, then a harmless geek. And now, leaving, he gave you the daddy’s girl warning.”

“Daddy’s girl warning?”

“Yeah.” Matt smiles, then deepens his voice. “Don’t stay out too late with that young man, honey. I know boys and what they’re after.”

I really try not to laugh, but I can’t help it. Matt’s laugh intertwines with mine, and as if it’s the most natural thing in the world, he reaches his hand out, lacing his fingers with mine. And it does feel natural. The tingles spread up my arm, and my fingers feel like they’re made to fit with his.

“And are you after something?”

“Yeah. You.”

“Matt.” I look down but don’t pull my hand away.

“Iz, you can’t tell me you don’t feel whatever this is.” He raises our hands up together.

Finally, forcing out whatever bravery I have, I meet his beautiful eyes. “I do feel it, Matt. But—”