Page 56 of True to You

“Yes,” Matt answers. “But, no. No politics. I just did it to appease my dad.”

“Oh?” Dad takes a bite of his pizza.

“Yeah, he’s a lawyer. He wants me to do something along those lines and wanted me to do mock trial or something that would give me some experience, but law doesn’t really interest me. So, this year I told him I’d run for ASB because it’s at least something.”

“So, no politics. No law. What are you interested in?”

Dad’s question is harmless, and as he sets his slice down to take a drink, he patiently waits for Matt’s answer. Matt squirms in his chair, and I can read the unease on his face.

“I’m not sure,” he answers, looking down at his plate.

His brow knits together as if he is trying to think of something, but I don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable. I know that’s not what my father is trying to do, even if he feels like it.

“Matt plays football too.”

“Really? What position?”


“Great.” Dad smiles. “I played when I was in high school. Running back.”

“Oh, running back.” Matt looks over at me with a teasing smirk.

“Yep.” Dad takes another bite of his pizza. “And don’t worry about not knowing what stuff you’re interested in right now. You’re young still. I didn’t know what I wanted to do until Izzy was a couple years old.”

Matt looks at my dad, suddenly very interested. “Really? You didn’t know you wanted to work with computers?”

“Nah.” He shakes his head. “I mean, I always liked them. But, I puttered around, job to job, still unsure. It pissed my parents off, me not going to college right away. ’Scuse the language.” Matt smiles, waving that it’s okay. “But, yeah, I really tried to focus on something when Isabel came along. And the more I worked on computers and helped friends and family out with them, the more natural it felt. So, don’t worry about it. Which colleges did you apply to?”

“Um.” Matt’s apprehension returns. “I actually didn’t fill out any applications.”

“You didn’t?” I spit out.

I don’t mean for it to sound so shocking, but it truly catches me off guard. I know he has good grades. He has the extra-curricular activities that would impress anyone looking over a college application. And just on the outside, it looks like his family can afford college for him.

“No.” Matt shakes his head, not meeting my eye line. “I’m interning at my dad’s law firm this summer, but after that, I’ll probably just take some classes at IVC.”

“That’s still a good plan,” Dad says, sounding more encouraging. I watch Matt as he tries to smile. “You’re planning on going to IVC still, right, Izzy?”

“Yep,” I answer. “Get some credits out of the way and maybe transfer for my bachelors. But I really like my channel too, so who knows. Probably take some marketing stuff.”

“That’s cool.” Matt smiles, but it seems forced. “You’ve got a plan, that’s more than I can say for myself.”

I’m suddenly hit with a thought. “Have you ever thought about costume design?”

“Costume design?” Dad gives me a curious look, as Matt stares blankly.

“Matt was in New York, at the comic convention. He designed this incredible Iron Man costume.”

“It was okay.” Matt looks away, and it almost looks like he’s blushing.

“Nu-uh,” I smile at him, then turn to my dad. “It was amazing. He won first place.” Looking back at Matt, he seems to stare at me with appreciation. “You’re really good at it.”

“Might be something to think about,” Dad adds. “Izzy’s got a good eye for all that stuff.”

Matt gives me that smile that melts my insides again, and I have to forcibly remind myself that I’m sitting at the table with my father.

We all talk a little bit more, and I actually get to learn more about him and his family. We haven’t really talked about personal stuff, so it’s nice getting to know the real him.