Page 4 of True to You

“Okay, maybe not on a friend level, but she’s way more into everything than I am. I like the movie stuff mostly, but I’ve heard you guys quote Fullmetal Alchemist more than I care to admit. She should go.”

“See.” I beam, giving her another hug. “That’s why you’re such a great best friend. Don’t worry, I’ll bring you back something.”

“How about one of those hot cosplay guys? Preferably one that’s shirtless.”

I snort as we walk into our class. “I’ll see what I can do.”

For the next hour, instead of taking notes, I’m doodling ideas for my YouTube channel. I’ve been making So Cal Nerd Girl videos for two years now. At first, I just did it for fun, to review new movies I saw or new graphic novels and mangas I read. But after the first few months, I actually gained a couple hundred followers. The more I posted, the more I seemed to get new subscribers. My mind was blown when I got my first thousand subscribers. It just kind of escalated from there.

As the subscriber count has grown, I’ve actually made a little money with ads too. And I’ve got fans. How crazy is that? I wasn’t sure what to think, the first time someone emailed me asking me if they could buy something from me, or if I had a PayPal account so they could donate money to me. I mean, I love making the videos. I love just talking about all things geek because that’s what I’m in to. The fact that I’m actually reaching people out there that love the same thing is so cool. I decided to set up an Amazon wishlist if people wanted to buy me things and boy have they. My room is littered with graphic novels, DVDs, collectible figures and anything else I’ve added to my wishlist. It’s insane. All the perks aside, I just love being So Cal Nerd Girl and talking about nerd stuff.

I know there are a few students at Woodbridge who watch my videos. I hesitate to call them fans. Cindy and Veronica always call them that, but it feels weird to call a peer of mine a fan. A lot of students know who I am though and kind of just blow me off. Or look at me like this is the eighties and nerds are the lamest things ever. It’s the 21st century people. Nerds are cool now. Well, at least, I think so. Then again, I’ve always thought so. And now I’m an invited guest to a comic book convention, all expenses paid. Have I said how cool this is? Because, yeah, it’s totally awesome.