“Get changed… or I will do it for you.”

The threat turned her blood to ice. She got off the floor and tugged the jeans on. Slipping a T-shirt over her dress, she managed to change without letting him see any of her body.

She took small comfort in that.

A knock sounded on her door. Before she could even think to respond, he had that knife back to her throat.

“Get rid of him,” he hissed. The white of his eyes flashing wildly. The hand that gripped the knife trembled. He must have seen the hesitation in her eyes as he continued, “I will kill you, then I will kill him.”

She had no doubt that the slightest more panic and he would end her life.

“Yes?” She called out, hoping her voice didn’t relay her fear.

“It’s Stan. Are you alright? The camera outside picked up some movement.”

Stan’s three faceless daughters flicked through her mind, and she knew then that she couldn’t risk either of their lives. Her best chance was to keep him calm and find a way to escape when there wasn’t a knife held against her throat.

“It’s… a couple from the party. I think they’re looking for privacy.”

“Well, they shouldn’t be here. I’ll move them along.”


She held her breath waiting for him to leave, but she could still see the shadow of his shoes through the one-inch gap under the door.

“I’ll only be a moment. You have your panic button?”

“Yes,” Lexi lied, terror rattling her ribcage. Her life was one thing, she couldn’t be responsible for another’s death.

“Do not leave the room. I’ll be right back.”

The shadow moved away as Stan retreated down the hall.

She felt some ofhistension lessen. He pressed something scratchy and voluminous into her hand.

“Put this on too.”

It was the blonde fancy-dress wig she’d worn at a function they’d thrown at PAWS last Halloween. She’d kept it as a reminder of how much fun she’d had that night, but she was now regretting not having thrown it away.

She pulled it on. The cheap synthetic fibers scratched at her face, but she resisted the urge to brush them away, worried that any extra movement from her might startle him further.

Forcing her to the door, he nodded at the handle.

“Open it. Make sure he’s not out there.”

She did as he commanded. The hallway was clear at both ends.

“It’s empty.”

He prodded her with a finger. “Walk.”

“I don’t have any shoes on.” She didn’t really care about her lack of footwear and was only hoping to buy herself more time but it seemed his patience and nerves were out.

“I don’t care!” He hissed. “Go. Hurry up.”

He took her by the elbow, holding the knife low by her side. She hurried down the hall as he called out instructions.

“Left here, then right… don’t look up! Keep your eyes on the floor.”