This was the only place they could guarantee some privacy.

“Kane… I’m so sorry about what happened out there—”

The rest of the apology died on her lips as the lights that illuminated the stage flashed, illuminating where he stood.

And she saw that it wasn’t Kane in her room at all.

But someone else.

Terror spiked in her throat, but she fought to keep her expression stoic and her voice calm.

“What are you doing here?”


The man shifted, startled by her appearance.

Lexi saw that her underwear drawers were open, having been rifled through. Panties and bras had been shoved to one side in a messy heap, presumably to search for valuables.

Anything else was unthinkable.

She froze, not knowing what to immediately do. He took the opportunity to maneuver himself around, circling her until he was almost behind her.

Too late she realized he had effectively blocked the door of her exit.

A million thoughts crashed through her mind, all vying for urgency.

You need to get out of there!

Scream, Lexi, alert Stan to help you! He’s only down the corridor!

No, don’t scream. That would only alarm him further, and God knows what he would do if he was pushed into it. Maybe you can talk him down.

She chose the latter option.

She reminded herself that with security crawling all over the house, he was unlikely to be able to do anything to her. Even so, her blood turned to ice. Would he stop at just her underwear now that she was here?

Think, Lexi! There must be something you can do.

The panic button!

Her eyes must have betrayed her intention as he followed her gaze down to the clutch. In the split second that it took to register what it was, he dove for her. Faster than it seemed possible, he grabbed her around the waist. Despite his thinner than average appearance, he was surprisingly strong.

“NO!” He cried out, looking hurt that she would even consider going for it.

She swung the heels that were still in her hand at him, the only weapon she had. The sharp points struck him in the back, which only made him more upset.

“Stop it!” It was more of a desperate plea than a command, but Lexi was reacting on pure fear now. His sour body odor stung her nose. The arm around her waist was slippery with sweat. She couldn’t think what to do, only that she had to get away.

“You aren’t supposed to be in here,” he babbled. There was a manic gleam in his eye that she could see perfectly reflected in her vanity mirror.

She twisted, bucking wildly, the heels dropping to the carpet. Her mind raced with thoughts of escape when one hand went around her neck and squeezed. There was a flash of pain, a closing of her lungs. The air whooshed out of her.

She froze, terror turning her body numb. She was rewarded by a release of the pressure. She gulped in air greedily, knowing instinctively what she had to do.

As long as she didn’t struggle, he wouldn’t hurt her.

All she had now were her words. What could she say that would buy her time?