It was Brangelina all over again.

People just couldn’t get enough of them. Even Mandy had to take a backseat, much to her annoyance. She liked Logan though, adored him in fact. Something Kane could clearly see as Lexi’s mother batted her eyelashes at him, hanging on to his every word.

When Stonewall joined the group, it was as if all the flashlights in the universe had gone off. The invited paparazzi went to town, shooting picture after picture while even the guests pointed phones their way, eager to record the star wattage currently on display.

Throughout the mayhem that followed, Lexi chatted with them, seemingly oblivious to the reaction around them. She smiled a genuine smile as she conversed with Logan.

“So, I hear you don’t have any pets?”

He laughed, shaking his head. “I’m not sure I’m a pet kind of guy.”

Lexi scoffed refusing to accept his reply. “You don’t know until you’ve tried. Maybe you’ll turn out to be a fantastic pet-dad?”

“I’m known for not being able to keep even a plant alive. I wouldn’t trust myself with anything like a dog.”

“A cat then? They don’t take much looking after. Wouldn’t it be nice to come home from a long day on set and cuddle up to one?”

Logan gave a small shake of his head. “You’re very persuasive Lexi, but I know how rubbish I am at being responsible. You should ask Ellie, I’m sure she’d be interested.”

Lexi turned her attention to his girlfriend, who was looking into a compact, powdering her already perfect nose. It seemed to him that she was using the mirror to see behind her, possibly searching for other, more useful conversationalists.

For the briefest of moments, Kane thought he caught a glimpse of annoyance on her face before it was masked with a beatific smile.

“Oh, I would love to,” she responded. “But what with such the hectic schedule NBC has me on, I couldn’t, possibly.”

Kane didn’t buy it for a second.

She had enough money and help that they could do pretty much anything. No time for pets? She could simply hire someone to walk and train them, besides which dogs could be with their owners while they were on set working. It was much more likely that she just couldn’t be bothered to accept the responsibility.

Lexi too was finding that she wasn’t taking to Ellie as much as she did Logan. He seemed straight forward and easy going enough, but Ellie… there was something about the way her eyes never stared directly at her that made her seem not very genuine.

“I love what you’ve done to the place,” Ellie said now, interrupting her thoughts.

“You’ve been here before?” Lexi didn’t think she had but she didn’t keep tabs on the comings and goings of her home, big as it was.

“Oh no,” Ellie laughed as if she’d said something funny. “I just meant that it looks lovely. Well done.” She added — rather lamely, Lexi thought.

“Thank you. I had help, obviously.”

Ellie stared over the top of Lexi’s head at her father, clearly looking for someone more influential to talk to. Stonewall was laughing with Logan, one arm around Mandy as the two went over a shared experience.

“So auditions were a bust,” Stonewall explained. “We’d been going for six maybe seven hours, each of the actors growing preceding worse than the one that had come before when right as I was packing up to leave, in walks Logan with the kind of swagger and attitude that commanded the room.”

Logan laughed, explaining, “I was in character but he wasn’t to know that.”

“Beth, the casting director asked him if he was ready to run the lines when Logan flew into a rage at being questioned. His indignation was so believable that we almost called for security until we realized that he’d segued into the lines of the script. I hired him on the spot.”

“And the rest is history,” Mandy supplied.

“How about you, Ellie? When are you ready to make your big screen appearance?” Stonewall asked of the TV starlet. Ellie stepped forward immediately, effectively cutting Lexi out of the conversation, but she didn’t notice, too eager to answer him.

“Why, are you offering me a role?” Stonewall looked momentarily stumped, this not being his intention at all.

Galant as ever, Logan swooped in.

“Maybe we could play something together, as a couple?”

Stonewall could almost see the profits roll in. “I believe I could find something that would accommodate that. Leave it with me.”