The man would need to be replaced, STAT.
He waited for the guard to disappear around the corner, then sprinted over to a metal side gate that was maybe eight feet tall. He scaled it easily, using a nearby modern granite art piece for leverage — that would have to be moved — and unlocked the gate to let Bud through before locking it back behind them.
He had broken into the Rockefellers’ property, yet it had been worryingly easy for him to do so.
Lush landscaped grounds on staggered levels greeted him as the scent of exotic flowers filled his nostrils. An infinity pool looked out across the ocean, seemingly without end. To the East he could see a pair of tennis courts, beyond that a basketball court. There was even a golf course, complete with hills and a pond.
Walking past several of those large windows, he spied an office, then a library filled with volumes of leather-bound books that looked as if they had never been opened, much less read. There was a bar and a home theater complete with rows of leather recliners, discreet dimmable lighting, and a popcorn maker.
The entire place was an adult wonderland.
Bud’s tail whipped from side to side, enjoying the parklike grounds.
They stole past a room that looked to be where the interviews were being held, Kane hunkering down to Bud’s level. The dog found this amusing, taking the moment to sneak a lick of his face. Kane hissed, “Stop that!” But Bud didn’t seem too bothered by his response.
Bud chuffed, his mouth forming a loopy grin before moving ahead to scout the way. Suddenly, he stopped dead, dropping his stomach to the ground, moving out of sight. Instantly, Kane followed suit, rolling behind a hedge as the guard came into view.
The two of them froze, the guard’s voice chattering a mile a minute as he gossiped to whoever was on the other end about the troubles the Rockefellers were having.
Not only was he making personal calls on the job, but he was betraying his employers’ confidences by talking about their private business.
The man would need to be replaced for sure.
And sooner rather than later.
When the coast was clear they took off, walking around the perimeter of the house, ducking out of sight whenever someone might see them. It was all too easy to do with Kane barely having to try. While the Rockefellers might be richer than God, their security was worse than those small villages in Afghanistan he had come across. At least there, the people were watchful.
He came upon a wing of the house that was at odds with the rest of the mansion. It had beautiful craftsmanship, but the modern style of the extension was a recent addition. A dog barked nearby causing Bud’s ears to swivel round, though he kept his cool when others would have torn off to investigate. Instead, he moved closer to Kane’s side, protecting him in case the unknown dog attacked.
A movement in one of the rooms caught his eye.
A figure had walked past but hadn’t seen him. Plastering himself to a window, he took a look inside…
And almost swallowed his tongue for his efforts.
The woman inside must have just come out of the shower as there was the tiniest of towels wrapped around her glistening body. The curves it barely hid did something feral, pulling at the very core of him. Her dripping long dark hair was slung carelessly over one shoulder as she went to a vanity table and sat down.
She was in her mid-twenties, likely the daughter whose birthday was coming up. Though why hadn’t Wilson mentioned that she was possibly the most glorious looking female to have ever walked the Earth? For the first time since they’d known each other, Kane cursed his friend, then Clara. If she’d been faster with the file, at least he would have been given a heads up.
Instead, here he was, standing outside their potential client’s bedroom like a creep.
He should notify her of his presence he knew, but when he went to move, his body refused to cooperate, his feet cemented to the ground.
Three military tours and several years working security for Hollywood VIPs, both of which had thrown up plenty of sticky situations before.
Surely he could think of a way out of this one?
Lexi had it all.
The only child and the beloved daughter of two of Hollywood’s greatest talents, Alexia Gray-Rockefeller had the kind of life that most only ever dreamed of.
Her mother was none other than mega movie star Mandy Gray. Herself the daughter of Hollywood royalty, Mandy began acting when she was a toddler playing her father’s adorable on-screen child. Her sweet smile and cute nature had turned her into the nation’s sweetheart, a love affair which only continued as she grew up in the public eye.
When she turned twenty-three, Mandy — now a huge star herself — fell in love with the sexy studio exec, Stonewall Rockefeller. With a strong jaw, soulful eyes, and built like a tank in all sense of the word, he was the only man among many to sweep her off her feet.
Within weeks of knowing each other, the two began a passionate affair on the set of Mandy’s breakout movie, Woman In Red, that ended in a marriage and an Academy Award. Though infidelity was rife in this town and both had an equal amount of ardent fans throwing themselves at them, Stonewall and Mandy’s union was rock solid.