He was standing in the living room where a giant flat screen dominated an entire wall. Sunken sofas formed an L-shaped sitting area where a basket of artisan food sat waiting to be feasted upon. He could see cheese, grapes, bread and crackers and chocolate truffles. Inside a silver ice bucket, a bottle of Dom Perignon chilled.
It was almost a shame that they wouldn’t be here long enough to enjoy any of it.
A wall of doors were opened onto the private rooftop terrace where sun loungers were artfully placed around that pool he had glimpsed earlier, making the most of the glorious view of the city and the Hollywood Hills beyond.
Having been here before, all Lexi noticed now was the Californian King-size bed that beckoned with its inviting luxury. Set on a raised platform, its presence loomed over the living area. It didn’t help that dotted discreetly around it, scented candles perfumed the air, lending the room a spicy aroma that drew her toward it.
Without meaning to, a picture of them writhing on the bed flew into Lexi’s mind. Her face became hot. Worried that she might be turning red, she found a seat on one of the sofas and fixed her eyes on the food basket instead.
Remember, you’re here for answers. Focus on the nice and unsexy cheese.
Across from her, Kane was acutely aware of Bud’s sweeping tail — and of the devastation it could wreak in a pristine room like this.
Everywhere he looked there was something expensive to smash. It was like it had been the decorator’s sole intention when they had furnished the room.
“OK. We’re here now. What have you got to tell me?”
Lexi sounded impatient and he couldn’t really blame her. Not wanting to get into it in the car, she’d had to wait all the way here, so he wasn’t unsympathetic.
“I need a few minutes to check the place out.”
Her eyes flitted away from the food basket to land on him, exasperated. “Who’s going to be here when we only gave them thirty minutes notice?”
“I still have to check, Lexi. It’s—.”
“Let me guess,” she interrupted. “It’s not negotiable.”
A sigh hissed out of her and she folded her arms across her chest.
Kane didn’t know quite what to make of her response — was that something he said too often? Judging by the glower she sent his way, the answer was yes.
He kept a hand on Bud’s neck, a silent reminder to be gentle as he set the cooler onto the counter then worked his way around, examining the place for safety while keeping an arm’s length from anything and everything.
He couldn’t imagine someone being getting here ahead of them, finding a way to bypass the security trio downstairs and the five cameras he’d already detected on the ride up, but he had to be sure.
When he was done, he lowered into the seat opposite Lexi, who seemed strangely fixated with the food hamper.
He signaled Bud. “You can relax, Boy.”
Bud yawned and laid down beside him. Kane turned his focus to Lexi, whose eyes were still averted from his. She was either really irate at him or…
“If you’re hungry, you can help yourself. You don’t have to wait for me.”
His comment caught her off-guard. “I’m fine.”
“You’re staring at that basket like you’re trying to set it on fire with only the power of your mind.”
She spread her hands wide, giving him a witheringlook. “I’m just wondering when you’re actually getting to the point. This is a pretty outrageous — and costly — way of getting answers from someone.”
She was right, and he was only drawing things out, not looking forward to the coming conversation at all.
“You’re right.”
He softened his voice, choosing his words carefully.
“Your parents haven’t been entirely honest with you.”
The change in her was immediate. Her eyes turned flinty as she interlocked her fingers on her knees. “About what exactly?”