They arrived at the member’s club a little after four.

A discreet-looking building of five floors, ivy tumbled from the roof deck where a glass swimming pool could be occasionally glimpsed through tiny gaps in the greenery, though only the water could be seen, certainly not whoever might be using the pool.

The tall windows that covered the building were tinted so no one could record the proceedings inside — many of the rooms were hired out by the hour for “meetings.”

The front door was always flanked by two giant bouncers and a devastatingly pretty girl who greeted the guests while subtly checking their credentials. An annual membership to the club reached an eye-watering six figures. Only the wealthiest people on the planet were invited after a rigorous vetting process.

Lexi had been a member since she was a child, although she barely came without her parents. There was one time she had made the mistake of bringing friends, but they had only been interested in celeb spotting.

When she wasn’t looking, they ran up a huge tab behind the bar even though none of them were old enough to drink. After an uncomfortable conversation with her parents, Lexi had given the place a wide berth despite always liking it here. It was quiet with a home-like feel. And it felt safe: no-one tended to stare when everyone wassomeone.

They left the car as their host, a stunning blonde in a tight-fitting dress that left nothing to the imagination, flashed a smile at Kane that made Lexi uncomfortable. Her breasts jiggled as she moved — it was obvious the woman wasn’t wearing a bra.

To his credit, Kane didn’t seem to have noticed the goddess or her bouncing globes that she seemed determined to thrust his way. He only took a cooler out of the car and nodded to Johnny that he could go.

She wondered if whatever was in the cooler had anything to do with why they were here.

“I’ll call when I need you. We shouldn’t be more than a few hours.”

Johnny touched the tip of his cap. “Sure thing. See you later, Miss. Lexi” He flashed another one of his contagious smiles, then left.

“Can I have the guest name, please?” Asked their host, whose name was “Amber” as the necklace that was nestled in the valley of her breasts informed them helpfully.

“Alexia Gray-Rockefeller.” Lexi made herself stand taller.

“I see you have the penthouse booked.”

“I asked for a normal room.” She corrected her.

Amber looked a little flustered she checked a digital screen hidden inside a stand.

“I see what’s happened. All other rooms have been taken, unfortunately, and in the past, your parents have always requested the penthouse. Would you still like it or I can move the booking to another day? Of course we will not charge you extra since this is our mistake.”

What Lexi needed was to know what Kane wanted to say, and all these delays were making her antsy. “It’s fine. We’ll take it.”

She handed Lexi a key card, then flashed another smile that she mostly directed at Kane.

“Enjoy your stay and if there’s anything I can do for you, you can reach me by dialing0,” Amber said breathlessly. Lexi had to clench her fists by her side.

What on Earth was she getting so riled up for?

Yes, the girl was flirting with him, but it could have just been for a bigger tip. This was how the world worked, after all.

Pretty girls gave men the illusion that they were interested, bolstering their ego and making them think that they had a chance. In return, men would pay more attention to the girls and be looser with their cash.

It wasn’t something she had ever stooped to herself, but she had seen plenty of this kind of behavior all of her life. There was even a time at school when she had been invited into a clique of beautiful daughters of celebrities. The group loved to party around town but never paid for anything: there was always a rich man or two to cover their meals and drinks so long as the girls pretended to be interested in them.

The whole duplicitousness of it all had set her teeth on edge.

Not picking up on her vibe at all, Kane placed a hand on the small of Lexi’s back, steering her into a waiting elevator. At his touch, all thoughts of the other girl disappeared from her mind.

His hand burned a path through her clothes and directly onto her skin.

As the numbers flashed up, Lexi grew more tense. She studied Kane, trying to find any clue as to what he was feeling, but the man had a great poker face. She could get nothing from him. And if he saw her looking, he was doing a great job of ignoring her.

She took comfort in the fact that Bud was acting normal — at least he didn’t seem worried by his master’s silence.

When the doors pinged open directly into the penthouse, Kane stepped onto plush white carpet and sucked in a sharp breath.