They’d had the guy right there!

He felt a hand on his arm… Lexi. She stared at him with such a mixture of concern and fear that their issues faded away in an instant.

In that moment, he knew he couldn’t keep his promise to the Rockefellers. He could never be in this situation again, one where he had to risk her safety in order to capture their guy.

He could not keep her safe if she didn’t know what the threat was.

It was time to tell her the truth, but it wasn’t something that could be discussed out in the open like this. They also couldn’t go to her home, not without dealing with her parents. And his trailer wouldn’t be able to protect anyone wide open as it was.

The fact that their perp had so brazenly followed them today meant Lexi was not safe out in the open like this. He needed to control the environment before any such discussion could begin.

“We need to have a discussion. Is there anywhere secure that we can go?”

Of all the things she had expected him to say, that wasn’t it. Something was clearly going on, and she didn’t appreciate being kept on the outside. A thousand questions whirled like a tornado in her mind.

“Why can’t we just talk at home?”

“I’ll explain after. Can you just trust me for now? It’s important or I wouldn’t be asking this of you.”

His eyes exuded such sincerity that she felt the anger that had been with her since yesterday melting away.

“We can go to LoftHouse. The private club my parents are members of.”

“Will there be a lot of people in the club?”

“It’s called a club, but it’s more like a hotel. I can call ahead and see if a room is available.”

“And the place is secure?”

“Like Fort Knox. Only celebrities are allowed and there’s a stringent application process.”

Ordinarily, he would have stayed far, far away from such a place which sounded like his kind of personal hell. Instead, he found himself nodding.

“That should work.”

“I’ll make the call.”

* * *

He flicked through the images he’d taken, staring at her new guarddog.

So this was the man they had hired to protect her?

He took in his height, the broad shoulders and the physique which spoke of regular workout sessions. His eyes roamed over the tattoo, the stance that conveyed his military past, and the fleabag he liked to call his partner.

And he could feel the hatred burning a path inside.

When he’d first been made aware of the new security the Rockefellers had contracted, he’d pictured the overweight, lazy bums that guarded his local mall. But this man, this Kane Turner wasn’t anything like that.

He looked as lethal as any fighting machine, and that wasn’t even counting the snarling beast by his side.

He’d never expected for the dog to pick up his scent today, not when he was so far away and there were crowds of people going about their business.

How had the dog found him amongst all of that?

Even in the pictures, the mutt was clearly looking for him, his nose sniffing in all directions,huntinghim.

Sweat gathered at the base of his neck just remembering how close a call it had been. If he hadn’t left when he had or disappeared into that alley where the car couldn’t follow, possibly his plans might have all been foiled.