“I know,” he responded. This kind of smugness would normally irritate her but the man did know his way around food.

With the waves caressing the shore and gulls soaring over their heads, they ate their feast as the sun began its descent across the sky.

They made small talk. Lexi asked about his early life, but when he briefly explained about his childhood, she found it difficult to fathom.

“So you don’t have any contact with your family at all?”

“Some families are not worth staying in contact with.”

After that, she didn’t ask him anything more about them.

They chatted about her school and growing up with a movie star for a mother. She glossed over the unhappier moments in her life, mostly the long absences that took her mother away, and the friends who had betrayed her trust. If he hadn’t read about those things, he wouldn’t know about them now.

“What about your job, are you working your way up to be Stonewall’s successor?”

She laughed, horrified. “I would never want his job. It’s so time-consuming and takes so much out of him. You have to eat and breathe the industry to do what he does. I’m just doing the script coverage job until I can figure out what it is I want to do.”

She ate a forkful of salad before continuing.

“It’s funny, all the way through college, I thought I wanted to be a writer. I’ve always loved reading, and I love getting to know people and what makes them tick, but writing requires the kind of willpower that I don’t have. And it’s too isolated. Besides, with my parents’ contacts, there must be something more helpful I can do. With everything I’ve been given, I feel like I should pay it forward, somehow.”

It wasn’t long before it hit him: she didn’t seem to be like most of his clientele: not only did she understand how privileged and blessed she was, she came across as grateful and keen to spread the wealth to those who needed it.

He asked the question that had been preying on his mind. “What about personal life? Are you seeing anyone?”

She blinked at his question, unsure where it was coming from.

“There wasn’t anything in your file, but I need to know. I have to know about all of my clients personal relationships no matter how embarrassing that might be for us all.”

Technically, it was only half true — Kane wasn’t sure where his sudden interest had come from, only that he did want to know.

“I have afile?” She swallowed the mouthful of food she’d been chewing.

“Of course.”

“Then you already know much of what there is to know about me.”

“I don’t think that’s true. I don’t know your shoe size for one.”

“Myshoesize?” The comment was so random, she didn’t know what to make of it.

“That wasn’t in the file, so you see, we don’t know everything about you after all.”

He flashed a sudden grin at her that took all the hardness out of his face. For that moment, he looked relaxed, without his usual edge and dare she say it, sexy as all heck.

“No, to answer your question, I’m not currently seeing anyone. Haven’t actually since my jerk-off ex cheated on me with a close friend.”


“I thought so. And the stupid thing was, I knew he wasn’t right for me: we were too different.”

She’d captured his interest now. “In what way?”

“He was all about the partying, getting his face shown everywhere. The first thing he did every day was to see how much his Instagram had grown. Imagine living your life concerned with an arbitrary number. So ridiculous.”

“And you didn’t know that about him?”

She shook her head. “He was so sweet in the beginning, incredibly attentive. It wasn’t until I’d been in a relationship with him for a while that I realized we never stayed in. He was always making me go out where we’d be seen. Once I finally saw the writing on the wall, he decided he’d have a more publicized relationship with Angel and took off with her.”