There was something in his tone that suggested there was more to this, but since he seemed reluctant to elaborate, she let the matter drop.

Johnny drove them down the Pacific Highway, the sea air pleasant to her nose. She could still see the smoke from the wildfires in the horizon, though they were distant enough not to bother them. Even with her concerns for its victims and the amount of work she still needed to organize for the party, some of the tension left her shoulders, eroded away by the peaceful waves lapping on the shore.

When they finally pulled up to the Airstream trailer, Lexi couldn’t have been more surprised.

Barking excitedly, thrilled to be home, Bud dove out of the car the moment the door was opened, tearing along the beach.

“This is where you live?”

“I know it’s not much compared to yours but it’s home to us.”

His reply was a little short.

“No,” Lexi flushed, picking up on the miscommunication right away. “I love it. All the peace you must have here and that beach. I can only imagine how stunning it must be the first thing in the morning. I was just surprised that your home would be so low-key when you regularly eat at such an exclusive restaurant.”

He saw himself from her eyes and the heat that had been rising at what he’d mistaken as a disparaging tone went down a notch. Truth was, he was protective of his home and barely invited anyone here anymore — particularly given what had happened the last few times he’d brought a woman back — so this was very out of the ordinary.

“I’m a simple man who lives a simple life. The only area I’m lavish with is my food. Living so close to one of the best restaurants in the country is a challenge.”

“I can imagine.” The food at Geoffrey’swasto die for.

He went around to the driver’s side of the Mercedes as Johnny moved his seat back, giving his legs extra space. Hooking his elbow out the window, he relaxed into his seat.

Kane looked surprised. “Aren’t you coming in?

Johnny shot a look at Lexi, then Kane, a small smile appearing on his lips. “I’ll be fine in the car just me, some good food, and Patterson’s latest. We’re about to discover who the bad guy is.”

A sudden jolt of panic went through Kane. This entire time, he’d thought Johnny would be eating with them. Without him, that would leave just the two of them together.

He and Lexi.

He wasn’t sure he was prepared for that.

“The car’s no place to enjoy food like this,” he said, trying again.

“Seriously, I really am fine here. Don’t worry about me.”

I’m not you fool. I’m worried about me. What the hell are the two of us going to talk about?

But Johnny couldn’t be swayed. Annoyed and wishing he could just command him to obey like he did with Bud, Kane headed to the trailer and unlocked the door.

Bud bolted inside. Lexi thought he might be heading to some food but instead, the intrepid dog went up to a mini fridge beside the seating area which had a piece of what looked to be rope tied to the handle.

Gripping it in his mouth, he pulled the door open. Sticking his snout into the fridge, he grabbed a can from the top shelf and swung his rump at the door to close it. Padding happily as if he did this every day, he brought the can of Budweiser to Kane.

Kane took it from him, but shook his head. “Thanks, Bud, but I’m not drinking until later. We’re still on the clock even if we have come home.”

Bud cocked his head at him, barked as if to say “OK” then sat down on the floor to stare out at a seal swimming not fifty feet away in the ocean.

Lexi was busy admiring how smart Bud was when something clicked into place. Her face turned incredulous. “Wait, did you name your dog after abeer?”

Kane tossed a surprised look at her as he took out a marrow bone and a packet of steak from the larger Smeg fridge in the kitchen: she caught on faster than most.

“Yes. Seemed as good a name as any.”

“But…whywould you do that?”

His answer came readily. “Because I Iove them both equally.”