“Alright. But when he calms down, we’ll move him into a quieter section.”

Kane could feel her relief and was suddenly, unexpectantly moved.

Why would the rich daughter of Hollywood royalty care so much for the welfare of a stray who had tried to attack her?

He studied her from the corner of his eyes, realizing that there were many more layers to her than he had first thought.

And rather disturbingly, he was interested in finding out more.


The LA traffic stretched on as far as the eye could see.

After all the excitement, Edward had moved them to the simpler, uneventful duty of unpacking and sorting through the boxes of donated food that the shelter received on a weekly basis — all of which had taken much longer than Kane had anticipated.

Now, with the traffic to Lexi’s home barely moving and the day advancing rapidly, he was acutely aware that Bud needed to be fed.

Right on cue, as if he could read his thoughts, Bud complained with a snort that ended with a paw on the back of his shoulder.

“I know. In fairness, I didn’t know we’d be out this long. I’ll be better prepared from now on.”

Bud blew out a long sigh that revealed how unimpressed he was with his answer. Lexi observed their conversation with one brow raised quizzically. “What am I missing?”

“He’s hungry but I forgot his food at home.”

“We can stop at a store?” she volunteered surprisingly. Kane wasn’t used to his clients being so accommodating, not when the world usually revolved around them.

“Bud eats a raw diet with special supplements that I mix up for him. Commercial dog food gives him the runs, so it’s best to stick to what I have at home.”

“Is it far?”


“Your home?”

“No. We’re in Malibu, right on the beach.”

“Will we get there faster than us going home then you going all the way back to Malibu?”

Johnny answered from the driving seat. “Oh, for sure.”

“If he’s hungry now, it’s not fair to make him wait. After all, I know how life and death meal times are to a dog.”

He couldn’t argue with her logic given the bumper-to-bumper traffic clogging up the roads. She smiled at his dog, rolling her eyes at him and earning a lick on the face for her troubles.

“Clearly you’ve been around many an animal before.”

“I certainly know what drama queens they can be, yes.” Bud stared through his lashes at her as if hurt that she could think such a thing about him.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Johnny said. “It could be awhile before I get you back through this. There must be an accident up ahead.”

Lexi stared out at the cars, thoughts ticking inside her head. A rumble began in her own stomach, reminding her that Bud wasn’t the only one who needed sustenance. All she’d had was a green smoothie that Ruth had prepared for her and that must have been at least eight hours ago.

“Sounds like someone else needs a meal too,” Johnny commented, having heard her stomach. Lexi’s cheeks flushed pink.

“I could eat.”

Kane wasn’t sure how this was quite happening, but it seemed their plans had be decided without even his input. It was enough to make a man vexed, except… a thought came to him that brightened his eyes.