The security expert touting for business must have sensed an opportunity, as he started to speak in a weedy, hesitant voice.

“This is highly irregular. You’re reckless and have no regard for the privacy of our clients. Look what a fright you gave Miss Alexis! Our firm would never be so unprofessional.”

He spoke fast, his words running into each other.

“Her name is Alexia,” Kane replied in a voice that was quiet but deadly. “Alexia Gray-Rockefeller. If you’re trying to get their business, at least learn the names of your clients.” Turning to Stonewall, he continued. “And while my ways are unorthodox, I was able to uncover several weak points in the few minutes of my actions. Firstly, you—”

He pointed at the guard.

“You need to be fired. During his patrol around the property, he engaged on a personal call, and when trouble came, he was out-of-breath before he even got here. He fumbled with his weapon, failed to announce himself to me, and even let my dog disarm him. He’s not fit for purpose, and the first change that needs to be made around here.”

The guard’s face turned red. He spluttered, outraged, but couldn’t find the words to deny what was the simple truth. “Sir… Mr. Rockefeller… he is out of order!”

“But he’s right, isn’t he?” Stonewall agreed, to Kane’s surprise. “I’ve seen you walking around talking on the phone myself, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you’d be up to the job if push came to shove. Clearly, I was wrong.”

Lexi sighed, the frustration in her voice impossible to miss.

“If someone doesn’t tell me what’s going on, I am going to lose it!”

Mandy rested a manicured hand on her daughter’s arm, sharing a concerned look with her husband that Kane caught. Stonewall gave an almost imperceptible nod, agreeing with the unspoken question on Mandy’s mind.

“Get dressed, sweetheart. We need to have a talk with you. We’ll be in the study.”

Mandy pinned her sapphire eyes on Kane, imploring him not to give the game away just yet.

“Why can’t we just talk here?”

Stonewall closed his eyes, taking a breath. Despite his huge size, he looked suddenly weary, as if he could be knocked over with a feather.

“We’ll explain everything in a moment. Just get dressed. It won’t be a quick conversation.”

His answer seemed to suck all the air out of the room.

“What’s your name?” Stonewall turned to Kane.

“Kane. Kane Turner.”

“Come with me.” Stonewall led the way out. Kane hesitated, looking at Lexi and hating the concern that was growing there. For the first time since he’d seen her, she looked vulnerable and scared.

Lexi didn’t react. Her mind was racing with questions that she had no answers to. It wasn’t until a soft, warm tongue licked her hands that she looked down.

It was his dog. What had he called him?


No longer the terrifying guard dog, he whined at her, tail wagging in what looked to be an apology.

Mandy had led the other two men away, but Stonewall stood waiting in the doorway, keeping a watchful eye on Turner.

He wouldn’t leave her alone with him.

Kane half considered apologizing to her, but with her father glowering at him from the door, the inclination passed. Whistling for Bud, he then turned and followed Stonewall out as Bud bounded after him.


They kept him waiting in the well-stocked library.

After they left Lexi’s room, Stonewall had promptly fired the security guard. The man had pleaded, talking about the five kids he had to put through college, but Stonewall had stayed as rock steady as his nickname.