Away from Stonewall.
He was too respectful to say it, but they all knew that’s what he meant.
Lexi looked at Stonewall, waiting for his take on this. She didn’t need his approval, but it would be nice to get it.
“I suppose that will do… for now.”
“Come on, Handsome. Let’s leave the kids alone.” Mandy held out her hand, turning the full wattage of her charm on him.
The second the door closed behind them, Kane jumped onto the bed with such haste that Bud was jolted from his sleep. He barked, tail wagging in surprise at whatever game might be taking place.
“Sorry, Boy, but you’ll have to wait. Lexi and I need a moment.”
As if he knew exactly what he was saying, Bud chuffed and laid his head back onto his paws.
Alone finally, with the woman he loved safely in his arms, Kane sent a prayer of thanks to the heavens, his soul now complete.
Waves lapped on the shore, lulling Lexi awake.
She yawned, already smiling and ready for another blessed day with the ones she loved.
Her eyes flicked open to see the old oak beams that supported the ceilings of the house. White curtains billowed from the windows that were always open to welcome the outdoors in. It wasn’t only for the ambience either; Lexi had discovered quite by chance that Kane slept a lot better when his subconscious could hear the ocean, when he could feel and breathe in the salty sea air.
The space beside her on the bed was empty but still warm from the heat of Kane’s recent body. It was a Saturday morning — their favorite day of the week — and he was likely off in the kitchen whipping up a feast for them.
That he could cook really well was just one of the many surprises she’d learned since they had bought her dream house on the beach and moved in.
She’d discovered an affinity for decoration while Kane had wowed with his manual skills around the home. He’d fixed up the ancient weatherbeaten shutters, replaced rotten floorboards, and even installed a new shower that they could both fit under at the same time.
Kane still had his trailer, which they’d parked up on the yard outside. In the event that he needed his own space, he could always retreat to his “man cave” though as of yet, he had to do so.
Life had changed in so many ways, though it made more sense now than it had ever did.
After her successful fund-raising on the night she was kidnapped — and perhaps, it was made even more so because of it — she was promoted to full-time staff as PAWS’s Head of Fund-raising. She’d quit her studio job in a second, upsetting her father further.
Realizing that his heart wasn’t in his job either, Kane had evolved his role within Wilson’s company. He didn’t work security detail anymore, but he headed up Diamond Security’s new K-9 department, training both dogs (and their handlers) with dogs that had been rescued by PAWS, giving them a new lease on life.
Stonewall hadn’t gotten used to Lexi moving out of the family home, much less to her living with a man. He was still uncomfortable with their relationship, though he couldn’t deny that Kane was the best man for her — mostly because he could andwouldkill anyone who dared to harm her again.
He took great comfort in that.
He also liked that the two had paid for their new home on their own. In fact, Kane had insisted on not taking any of her parents’ money — it was important to him that he could provide for her, something which Stonewall knew only too well, having fought the same battles for his own wife.
Although no man would ever be good enough for his daughter, at least he had gotten over his urge to murder Kane with his own hands.
It was a step in the right direction.
Stretching, Lexi sat up and waited to be bombarded by the welcome party that she knew would be coming.
It happened almost immediately.
Hearing movement from her, a poodle hopped into the room on three legs.
“Morning, Elsa.”