He was almost certain they were dealing with a one or two-man band. This entire thing was messy, but he was beginning to think that possibly the kidnapper had an accomplice in the house. It would certainly explain his ability to enter the home on more than one occasion, and the knowledge of their cameras.
But who could it be?
If he could only answer that, he’d be on the fast track to finding her.
Officers from the LAPD flooded the Rockefellers’ home, investigating the crime scene, questioning witnesses and staff. Forensics had arrived and were sweeping her room as well as the rest of the property for prints and whatever other evidence they might deem useful.
Kane had just gone through his own interrogation, though he knew there would be more questions coming later.
The cop heading up the case, Detective Summers a mixed-race man with a calm almost friendly presence yet incredibly sharp eyes that didn’t miss a thing seemed satisfied with his take on proceedings. He peered over the top of his leather-bound notebook, pen poised.
“Is there anything else you’d like to tell me, anything at all that might help us locate her?”
“I’ve given you everything I know.”
Perhaps not everything.
He hadn’t spilled the beans yet about his own relationship with Lexi.
He went over this in his mind, again and again, torn between telling the truth yet knowing it would only call his own motives into question.
He wasn’t afraid of that, even if it meant being under suspicion, but it wouldn’t do Lexi any good if he was detained in a room under hours of questioning.
Knowing he needed the freedom to continue his own search for her, he omitted the fact from his statement. Of his men, only Johnny had an inkling that there might be more to his relationship with Lexi, but he would never betray his trust, not unless he thought Kane was guilty of causing her harm.
Summers scrutinized him with an open stare that seemed to convey he didn’t believe him. Kane had to thank his years of training for being able to stand beneath the man’s gaze and not give himself away.
After an uncomfortably long time, Summers snapped his notebook shut.
“If you think of anything, let me or any of my people know. No matter how small. Let us be the ones to determine how useful the information is.”
“Of course.”
“I guess we’re done for now, Mr. Turner. But keep close, I might have more questions for you later.”
“I’ll be right here or in the security office. You can also reach me on the radio. I’m on channel eight.”
Summers started away, attention already drawn to someone else as Kane let out a small sigh of relief.
He stood outside Lexi’s bedroom, having an out-of-body experience as uniforms invaded every inch of that privacy she so cherished. With every drawer that was opened, every rifling of her wardrobes and tug down of the comforter on her bed, he flinched.
It was their job to do this, but somehow if felt as if they were violating her. It took every inch of his willpower not to run in and demand that they leave.
He felt a warm breath on his wrist, followed by a nudge of his hand and the top of a silky head. Even Bud’s presence couldn’t lessen the empty hollow inside. He paced the hallway, Bud matching him step for step, mind going through the clues they had uncovered to date in the hope that something would pop out.
Their perp had come to the property three times that he’d known of.
Once, he’d stayed on the other side of the fence to take those photographs, and another with climbing gear, fully intending to cross inside… but why? Had he been hoping to take Lexi then?
No. Even if he had made it all the way to her room, how did he expect her to get over the fence? The idea was clumsy and unattainable.
He scrapped the thought.
What about the day he’d followed them to Verve, the coffee bar? He’d clearly had his camera then but no new pictures had been sent to the press. Had he been hoping to abduct her in broad daylight?
That seemed even more unlikely than taking her from home in the early hours of the night.
Then of course, there was tonight. With their added security measures, how had he waltzed inside as if he belonged here.