“I’ll call him on my way to meet Martinez.” I take my keys out of my pocket.
“All right.” He slaps my back. “I’ll fill you in on what Sally says after I track her down.”
“Sounds good.” I open my door and take out my cell. When I get behind the wheel, I dial Clay’s number before I back out of my parking space, then spend my drive downtown filling him in on the situation.
He agrees to see what he can find before we hang up. If anyone will be able to find us the information we need, it will be him. Better yet, he won’t leave a trace, so Stedman will never have a clue we’re looking into things.
While flipping over the meat I have frying for the chicken parmesan I decided to make for dinner, I listen to Winter read, then spell each of the words that will be on her spelling test this week out loud. Normally, she would be finished with her homework by now, but she got a late start this evening.
After I got here and Karen left, Miranda came over, and the two of us took the kids upstairs so they could play. And with Willow home, the three of us got to talking, and I totally lost track of time. Then again, I had a lot to fill them in on. Or at least I had a lot to fill Willow in on, since I talked to Miranda at work and told her all about the panic attack I had last night. Then about Miles asking me to hold out on signing a lease this morning. Neither Miranda nor Willow were shocked to hear he was already bringing up us living together. The only thing they did find surprising was that he didn’t tell me I should just move in now.
“I’ll get it,” I tell Winter when there’s a knock at the door, but before I can even set down the tongs in my hand, the door opens, and Dayton walks in. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Miles’s brother who lives in Colorado, and I had no idea he was planning on visiting.
“Uncle Dayton!” Winter cries sliding off her stool, she runs toward him with her arms out, and Dolly follows right on her heels.
“Hey, little bit.” He picks her up, then swings her in a circle so fast her legs fly out away from his body, making her laugh.
“I didn’t know you were coming.”
“I wanted to surprise everyone.” He sets her on her feet, then looks down at Dolly.
“Dad finally got you a dog?”
“No, Emma did.” She picks up Dolly and holds her out to him. He takes her with ease, then his eyes come to me, and he grins.
That grin, combined with his thick, wavy, dirty-blond hair, strong jaw, height, and glasses, which make him look like he’s a roguish professor, has probably broken a million hearts.
“Hey, Emma.”
“Hey, Dayton.” I meet him at the edge of the island and give him a hug. When he lets me go, his eyes move to the stove.
“I heard a rumor you’re living here.”
“Not quite,” I mutter with a smile, but those words feel like a lie, since I haven’t stayed at Miranda’s apartment in almost a week, and I have no idea when I’ll be sleeping there again.
“Where is my brother?”
“He should be home soon.” I walk back to the stove. “He sent a text not long ago that said he’s on his way.”
“Cool, do you mind if I hang out?” he asks, still holding Dolly.
“Of course not. Do you want a beer or something else to drink?”
“Beer sounds good.” He walks to the other side of the island and pulls out the stool next to Winter’s.
Going to the fridge, I take out one of Miles’s beers.
“Do you want to stay for dinner?” I pass him the bottle along with the opener.
“I don’t want to impose.”
“Oh, Lord, you’re not imposing.” I roll my eyes.
“She’s just as sassy as you,” he says, looking down at Winter. “Your poor dad must have his hands full.”