I remove my gun and place it on the top shelf, then pick Dolly up, who was frantically bouncing around my feet. Holding her in the crook of my arm, I walk to the kitchen and stop when I get to Win. Her hands are a mess with whatever cheese mixture is in the bowl, so I kiss her cheek, then touch my lips to the side of Emma’s mouth.
“It smells good.”
“Thanks. Do you want to start getting the salad together?”
“Sure.” I put Dolly down and wash my hands, then start cutting up shit for the salad as Win fills us in on her day at school, making us both laugh.
Standing here, a feeling I can’t describe wraps tight around my insides, making it difficult to take a breath as I take the two of them in. I look over at Emma and the smile on her face, then look at my daughter, who is giggling, and realize that for the first time in twenty-one years, I have a home. And even though Emma’s family’s story is heartbreaking, she’s been unknowingly giving all the good parts of it to Win and me.
“Are you okay?” Emma asks, tipping her head to the side and studying me, probably realizing I’ve gone quiet.
She gives me a soft smile, then focuses back on Winter.
Maybe she was right when she said I got caught up playing family with her. I just wonder if she’s realized there is nothing pretend about it.
Opening Win’s bedroom door, I walk across the dimly lit room and pick up the blanket she kicked onto the floor. Dolly lying in the crook of her lap opens one eye to watch me bend to kiss the top of Winter’s head but doesn’t move, even as I toss the blanket over the two of them. Leaving the room, I keep the door open an inch and head to the master, walking through to the bathroom where I hear the shower running.
I don’t bother knocking before walking in. The room is filled with steam, and I can just make out the outline of Emma in the shower, her hands in her hair and her head tipped back. Going to the glass door, I open it a couple of inches, enough to get an eyeful of her, dripping wet. Enough to regret agreeing to meet with Tucker.
Her eyes blink open to meet mine. “You have a lot of clothes on.”
I grin. “Tucker is coming over to talk for a few minutes.”
“Oh.” She wipes the beads of water from her face. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just something with work.”
“Okay, I’m probably going to crawl into bed when I get out of the shower.”
“Don’t feel like you need to hide in the bedroom,” I tell her, letting my gaze travel leisurely over her, from her wet hair to the tips of her breasts.
I jump back when she splashes water at me.
“Get out of here so I can finish showering.”
Laughing, I wipe my face. “I’m just enjoying the view.” I reach into the shower to brush my knuckle across her nipple, and she splashes me again.
“Go away.”
Chuckling, I shut the shower and leave the bathroom, closing the door behind me when I hear a knock at the door. I grab a tee and carry it with me out of the bedroom.
Tucker’s eyes move over my face and shirt that is half soaked when I open the door to him and raises a brow.
“Emma is in the shower,” I explain, and he smirks, shaking his head.
I change my shirt and toss the wet one onto the couch before I walk to the kitchen, where Tucker has taken a seat at the island. Opening the fridge, I take out two beers and pass him one.
“What’s up?”
“Tomorrow morning, I need you to go with me to a meeting.”