I glance back at Miranda, hoping she’ll save me, but instead, she gives me an encouraging smile. Traitor.

Reluctantly, I allow him to pull me with him toward Skye, and he squats down in front of her. I back up when she stands, and my heart pounds so hard I hear the blood rushing through my ears.


“It’s okay.” Blue-green eyes meet mine when the man who has ahold of me tips his head back. “I promise. Open your hand.”

Swallowing and not wanting to make a scene, I stop resisting and open my fist. Skye leans forward, sniffing my fingers.

“She likes you.” Winter laughs, and Kingston joins her in hugging the dog way too tightly. I flip my hand over and touch her snout with the tips of my fingers. For her part, Skye ducks her head, forcing me to rub between her ears. Her fur is soft but coarse and so thick I wonder if she hates going outside in the summer.

“See?” Miles prompts softly, and I glance over at him. “She’s not so scary.”

I manage to give him a shaky smile, even as my heart continues to pound. He smiles back, then stands and turns to Tucker, letting me go. I rub my wrist that is still burning from his touch.

“I’ve got some calls to make. I’m gonna do that and put in an order for pizza. I’ll come up and get you guys when it’s here.”

“Yay, pizza!” Winter shouts with glee, and Kingston joins her, never one to miss out on the opportunity to be loud.

“Sounds good.” Tucker slides his arm around Miranda’s waist and looks down at her.

Okay, so I was wrong earlier. Heartbreak is painful and can be amplified by the man who caused that pain going out of his way to make sure you’re okay. But it might be worse sitting in the front row and watching your best friend fall in love with a man who looks at her like she personally climbed a mountain and brought the sun to life just so it would keep him warm.

Has Eli ever looked at me like that?

I don’t think he has.

And it sucks to even question it now, but I’m starting to wonder if he was ever in love with me.

Not if he loves me. I know he did, or does.

But beingin lovewith someone and having love for them are two totally different things.



Eli: Can we meet up to talk?

Seeing that message pop up on my phone, I fall into the chair in front of my station and open up our text chain.

It’s been almost two months since he moved out of our apartment, and since then, he and I have only spoken a couple of times by text, when I’ve tucked away my hurt and reached out to him.

The first time I messaged him was to ask about his mom, who recently posted online that she lost her job. I, of course, called her myself to see if she needed anything, but when she told me she was okay, I wanted to check with him to see if she was actually telling the truth. She wasn’t, so I sent her groceries, hoping it would take some of the stress off, even if only for a little bit.

The other time I messaged him was to congratulate him on becoming an uncle again after I saw online that his brother’s wife had another baby. To that, his only reply wasThanks.

After that, I figured I’d let him be the one to reach out, and he did, but it was only to ask if he could come over and pick up some more of his clothes.

That meeting was awkward and uncomfortable, but more than anything, it was heartbreaking—for me, at least. There was no conversation about us. He didn’t tell me that he missed me or that he wanted me back. He didn’t even make a move to give me a hug when he arrived or before he left. It was like we were nothing more than ex-roommates, and he was just there to gather the things he forgot to take with him when he moved out.

Chewing the inside of my cheek, I message back.

Me: Sure. Let me know when and where. I should be done with my last client by six.

I press Send and wait for him to reply as I absently listen to Miranda and the client she just finished up with talk near the front desk.

Eli: Does 7 work? We can meet at the apartment.