After ordering appetizers and another glass of wine each, the two of us leave the small Italian restaurant across from the salon and go to our cars. As I follow Miranda across town, I call Miles’s cell and listen to it ring over my car speakers.

“Hey, are you on your way?” he answers, and I can’t help my smile.

“Yeah, I should be there in fifteen minutes, depending on the traffic. Did Hazel get in okay?”

“She did. She and Winter are upstairs hanging with Clay and Willow. I’m doing some work in my office.”

“How happy is Winter?”

“Very.” I hear the smile in his voice.

“Any new leads on your case?”

“No, it’s been nothing but dead-ends, and it’s not helping that the state police aren’t open to sharing all the information they have.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Politics.” His tone is filled with the frustration he’s constantly trying to hide.

“Yeah,” I say quietly, hating that for him. I know he’s been stressed, even if he doesn’t say it or even talk to me about his job. “Get back to work, and I’ll see you soon.”

“Message when you get here, and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

“It’s okay. Miranda is right in front of me. We’ll take the elevator up together.”

“Okay, baby.” He hangs up after I say goodbye, and I bite my bottom lip.

I’ve always liked it when he’s called me Em, but I absolutely love it when he calls me baby. There is something different about that endearment when he says it, the way his voice gets a little deeper, and his tone fills with a soft affection. It’s also one more thing I don’t want to get too used to, because I know I’ll miss it if we ever have to go back to being just friends.

When we arrive at the building, I park behind Miranda, then meet her on the sidewalk after I grab my purse and water bottle from the backseat.

“So, what are you and Miles doing tonight while Winter is hanging with her mom?” she asks as we walk through the first floor of the building toward the elevator.

“I don’t know. We’ll probably just hang out here. What about you guys?”

“I’m going to drop off my bag, then meet Tucker upstairs. You guys should join us.”

“Maybe.” We both step off the elevator when the doors open.

“Well, if I don’t see you later, I’ll talk to you tomorrow at work.” She gives me a hug, then walks to her apartment, while I go to Miles’s door and knock because using the key he gave me awhile back feels a little too intrusive even if I doubt he would mind.

When he opens it a moment later, my insides twist. I don’t know when I’ll get used to the feeling that fills me when I see him after we’ve been apart for any length of time.

“Hey.” He captures my waist as I step through the doorway and drops his mouth to mine for a soft kiss. “Did you have fun?” He takes my bag and hangs it on one of the empty hooks.

“Yeah, it was good to catch up. We don’t get a chance to talk much at work.”

“Did you eat?”

I fight back a smile. “We shared an appetizer.”

“So the answer is no. What do you want me to order for you?”

“Why are you always trying to feed me?” I laugh when he grabs my hand and starts leading me toward the kitchen.

“Because you don’t always feed yourself.”

“I’m really okay.” I stop him before he can pull out his phone from his pocket. “Unless you didn’t eat and want something.”