The only thing that could be heard now that the motor was off was the tick of the heated engine. And our labored breathing.

“I wanted a ride!” she cried.

Then she crawled into my lap.

There wasn’t any goddamn room.

Not even a little bit of it.

But she managed to maneuver herself into a tight spot between the door, tanks, and steering wheel.

Her hands went to my face, then she was kissing me.

“My other fantasy is about to come true, too,” she declared, a wicked grin spreading over her face.

“What about all those people out there?” I asked, definitely on board with her idea.

“I had Criss send them away.” She smiled. “He also knows we’re about to have sex, so he’s blocking off the area.”

“You told my PA that we were having sex after you got a ride?” I asked.

“I did,” she said. “I had to get him to leave us alone for a bit. He was okay with it, but you have to sign a hundred posters before you go. Those were his terms.”

I pulled her closer into my body before saying, “Worth it.”

Clothes were pushed to the side after that.

Zip, using logic, had worn easily removeable pants.

I’d worn my jumpsuit, but like usual, I didn’t have anything but a t-shirt and a pair of shorts on underneath it, making it quite easy to unzip, push down, and pull out my cock.

When she sank down on my cock, her hands going to my shoulders, she cried out.

Then promptly slammed her knee into the side of the door.

There really wasn’t enough room in this car for this but…

Putting my hand between her knee and the door, I pulled her down with the other one, fucking her hard.

Sex with her post baby was fantastic.

Every bit of her excitement before baby, during baby, and after baby was straight from my dreams.

Though, the fast and furiousness of our lovemaking wasn’t because we had a kid who was about to wake up in the other room, but because we couldn’t get enough of each other.

There was just something about having her in my car, after a race, that did it for me.

And I showed her just how much as I fucked her so hard and fast that neither one of us saw our orgasms coming until they were slamming into us.

It was only after we were both spent when she said, “This has to be the most uncomfortable place we’ve ever done it.”

I laughed and helped her get up, very much aware of the mess we were making.

Luckily, I could just zip the suit back up.

She tugged her pants into place, and I knew that we would need to go home immediately so she could clean up.

Though, wistfully, I thought back to when this part of life was easier when there was nothing to ‘clean up.’ My sex life was back to normal—minus the swimmers.

Not that she seemed to care.

“I can’t believe that you finally took me for a ride,” she breathed as she climbed over my lap out of the car.

I snorted and gave her ass a little pat as she did.

Only when she was out and standing next to the car did I follow in her wake.

Once we were both free of the confines, I pulled her into my arms and spun her around.

“Did you like it, baby?”

She placed both of her hands on each of my cheeks and said, “I loved it.”

Then she kissed the hell out of me.

• • •


Two days later

“Here, hold him,” I said, handing my child to Keene, who was already holding one of Simi’s girls, who was knocked smooth out.

Apparently, my child wasn’t the only one who liked loud and chaotic places.

Keene groaned and took my sleeping child, and I ran through the pit to the barrier that separated the pit from pit road.

Standing there, my hands clasped in front of me, and my feet bouncing in excitement, I watched as Nash took first in his ninth race of the season.

“Yeah!” I threw my hands up in the air.

I laughed when he did a burn out at the checkered flag.

Then he was on top of his car, throwing his hands in the air, and screaming.

His fans went wild.

It took him a solid fifteen minutes to get back to me.

Everyone wanted to congratulate him, and I allowed it, but only because I didn’t go out onto the track because it gave Nash heart palpitations.

The moment he spotted me he came running, pulling me right over the barrier and into his arms.

He didn’t let me down as he spun me in a circle.

“Gosh, that was pretty,” I teased, placing a solid kiss to his lips.


And, like always, he put me down on the other side of the barrier and reached for his son, who was now very much wide awake and begging for his father.