Pulling two out, I walked back toward him, laid one over his lap, and then used the other to dry off his upper body.

Only when I was done, and he was as dry as I could make him, did I say, “I’m going to call them in here.”

He was already shaking his head. Then he proved that though he may be weak, he wasn’t any less a man.

“You’ll get dressed first,” he ordered.

I laughed, then did what he asked, getting dressed in record time.

When I got done, I opened the door and called out, “I need a lift assist!”

Then I chuckled.

Because of all the doctors in the house, there was a lot of terminology that I was getting a crash course in.

I should’ve been used to it with Val, but she’d moved out before she’d really started to get into the nitty gritty with her medical degree and moved in with Felix.

But living in a house with so many doctors all over, you tended to listen and learn a lot, whether you wanted to or not.

Two strapping men walked around the corner of the hallway.

Hoyt and Tyson looked grim.

I noticed that they’d come from their mother’s room.

“She okay?” I asked.

Hoyt shook his head once. “Nope.”

I felt my heart sink. “I’ll let you get him dressed and all that jazz. He might need to use the restroom. The constipation med should be kicking in any second.”

That was one thing that Nash vehemently disagreed with me about.

I would, in no uncertain terms, not help him with the task of pooping.

If he needed help, he called the males in his family.

All the females were luckily spared.

That didn’t mean I wouldn’t have done it if he’d allowed me to.

“Will do,” Hoyt said as he passed me and went toward the bathroom.

Tyson followed directly behind, closing the door behind him.

I ventured down the hall, my head peaking around the corner when I heard voices.

Whitney was lying in bed with Kendall lying next to her, close.

They weren’t touching, but they were talking and laughing about something.

I started to back away to give them space but was caught.

“No, don’t go,” Kendall said at the same time that Whitney said, “Stay, please.”

I smiled and came around the door frame, nerves suddenly racking my body.

I liked his parents.

A lot.

But I’d never been completely alone with either one of them, let alone the both of them.

“I’m giving Nash some poop time,” I told them, blurting the words before I’d thought better of them.

Kendall chuckled and sat up, leaning his back against the headboard.

“He was always a very private person when it came to that,” Kendall chuckled. “He has this aversion to pooping in public, too. Literally, he’d hold it all day long when he was younger and back himself up because he refused to poop anywhere but in the privacy of his own bathroom. He has a hard time using the spare bath, too.”

I shook my head, a smile lifting the corner of my mouth.

Whitney patted the bed on the other side of her, and I moved until I was leaning against the headboard on her other side, one foot on the ground, and the other leg cocked and lying bent on the bed.

“My brother poops with all of his clothes off,” I snickered. “Don’t ever tell him I told you that. He gets so embarrassed.”

Whitney chuckled. “My kids do that, too. All of them. Even the girls. I’m not sure why, either. But neither one of us ever did that.”

I was already shaking my head, a smile forming on my lips. “I’ve never noticed him coming out of the bathroom anything less than clothed, but I’ll make that my life mission to find out.”

“Tyson also snaps while he’s pooping.” Kendall laughed. “That’s why we know when he’s in there going. All you hear is snap, snap, snap, snap.”

Whitney burst out laughing, and together we talked about their kids’ other weird habits.

“Ohhh, oh.” Whitney snapped, sounding hoarse since she’d been laughing so much. “Nash also likes to eat little bites of all the cookies. Like he’ll only want a little bit of sweet in his mouth, so he’ll take a small bite, then put the cookie back. It used to drive his siblings insane.”

“It still does,” Tyson said, surprising us all. “Did you just tell her about our masturbation habits when we were teens?”

“No, your poop habits,” Whitney supplied. “Though, if you’re interested in me telling her how you used to have to take eighteen showers a day, and two before you left in the morning, I can.”

Tyson shook his head, then turned his stare onto me. “He’s done.”

“Did he go?” I asked.

Tyson nodded. “Sure did. A big ol…”

“Don’t you fucking dare tell her about that, Tyson!” I heard Nash call from the other room.

So he had some more energy after shitting.