My grin was wicked when I said, “He blocked me on everything else. This is the only way.”

“What do you mean this is the only way?” she asked.

Then I threw the phone out of the window.

Val’s phone alerted less than a minute later.

I grinned and looked down at the message.

Then the phone call came.

And another.

And another.

And another.


Simi. Hades. Hannibal.

Call after call after call came in.

Finally, Val picked it up and said, “Jesus, she said she was okay! She’s a drastic bitch, okay?”

There was a pregnant pause, and then Keene started grumbling under his breath.

“Yeah, but then we got a call about…” Keene paused. “Oh. I guess she was trying to get this reaction out of him, right?”

Keene wouldn’t even say his name.

Apparently, every time he was mentioned, I cried.

Who knew?

“Right,” Val snapped. “I imagine, if you got this call, then so did he.”

“When he calls, tell him you don’t know what he’s talking about,” I suggested.

“Are y’all still going to eat?” Keene asked.

“Yes,” Val answered. “Literally right down the road from where she threw her phone out.”

“Doesn’t that automatically send out an alert to the cops, though?” Keene asked.

I hadn’t thought about that…

“I’ll take care of that,” Val said. “I’ll call Felix’s friend who’s the gang cop. He will do anything for me.”

I snorted.

He would, she’d saved his brother’s life.

Everyone hung up, and then Val was dialing a man named Quincy.

He answered on the first ring. “Val.”

“Hey, Quincy. So my sister did something stupid, and threw her phone out the window, but it made the app she uses call the cops because she was in an accident. Can you, like, cancel that or something? She’s fine. Just unhinged,” Val said.

I reached over and smacked her, causing her to giggle.

“Will do,” he confirmed. “Everything okay?”

“Other than my sister losing it over her ex-boyfriend not talking to her anymore? Sure, why do you ask?” she asked facetiously.

I rolled my eyes, but the man on the other end of the line with one of the sexiest voices I’d ever heard chuckled.

“I’ll take that as a good,” Quincy said. “Consider it handled.”

Then he hung up.

“Geez, I expected a goodbye at least!” Val said.

“Men don’t typically do that,” I said. “Nash…”

I trailed off, hating thinking about him because it made me feel like shit when I did.

But that was all I ever did.

Think about him.

We drove the rest of the way to the restaurant in silence.

When we rolled up inside, it was to find the entire diner completely empty.

The lady at the counter pointed. “Have a seat where you’d like. I’ll be with you in a moment. Gotta fight this monster really quick.”

And since I had no clue what that meant, we did as she suggested.

“So what are you going to do?” Val asked.

I sat down in the booth that gave us a clear view of the road and then said, “I’m going to eat. Then I’m going to stand in that spot and wait for him to get there.”

Val shook her head. “I don’t think you’ll have time to eat.”

I shrugged. “Then I’ll watch him pace around frantically while I finish my pancakes.”

“That’s kind of mean,” she said.

I looked at her like she was crazy. “What’s mean is him breaking up with me because I don’t want kids. Or, more importantly, I didn’t want kids at the time. But now that I’ve given it some thought, all those bad feelings that I had thinking about having kids with someone else who wasn’t Nash are gone, because the kids would be with Nash. And what’s also mean is him finding out that the ‘almost’ kid isn’t his, then he decides that he might die, so he chooses to use that as an excuse to stay away from me. Not to mention, he blocked me on social media, his phone, and every other way I have to contact him. Then he moved out of our building. Then, he finds out his mother has breast cancer, and he still doesn’t reach out to me. And to make matters worse, he’s hurting, and I’m not there to be with him, because he won’t. Let. Me. In. So, no… I don’t think it’s all that mean.”

Val had nothing to say to that and chose to stay silent.

When the chick behind the counter finally got done fighting whatever monster she was fighting, she came up to us.

“Sorry, sorry,” she said. “So, I started playing this game for my husband since I’m out and about more than he is since he works from home. And now I’m addicted. Or, more importantly, I’m addicted to the hugs that I get from him when I tell him that I got him whatever monster he needed.”

I nodded, not caring that she’d taken that long to get to us.

If anyone understood the lengths one would go to to make their significant other happy, it would be us.