Jameson grins. “I’d sure hope not.”
“How did you manage this?” I ask, throwing my arms over his shoulders. “Are you God or something?”
He cracks up laughing. “Last time I checked? Maybe?”
I start to laugh too, and Jameson leans in to kiss me, but we’re rudely interrupted by a loud vibrating noise from down the hall. “Is that your phone?” I ask.
“No, I have mine in my pocket,” he replies. “Maybe it’s yours?”
“Oh, shit!” I gasp. “I bet that’s Eliza! She must have been calling me since I left the club to see if I’m okay!”
I race past Jameson and down the hall into the living room, nearly tripping over my clothes from last night, which are lying in a heap right where I left them by the couch. And sure enough, there’s my phone, buzzing on the floor.
I snatch it up and see Eliza’s name on the screen and quickly answer.
“Hey, hey! I’m okay! I’m not dead!”
“Girl, where the hell have you been?” she snaps immediately. She’s not mad. She’s just got her concerned voice on, and I don’t blame her. “You know how long I’ve been trying to reach you?”
“I know, I know, I’m so sorry–”
“Destiny said you left with some guy who took you away before you even got on stage. Is that true? There’s all kinds of rumors flying around the club, Iris.”
“Rumors?” I ask.
“Like this guy bought you out for the night and you let him?” I can hear how worried she is and feel absolutely terrible for not having answered my phone earlier. I glance at the time and realize it’s already ten-thirty. “Josh semi-confirmed that. God, he’s such a scumbag. Iris, you can’t be leaving with random guys like that. I know I said they were just cash cows, but at least at the club you have some protection–”
“Eliza, it’s okay–”
“There’s no telling what a guy will do to you when he gets you on his own, Iris.”
“Eliza, it’s okay!” I say loudly, interrupting. “I didn’t leave with some random guy. I left with…Jameson. He just got back to town recently, and he came to see me. He brought me back to his place, and that’s where I am now.”
There’s a long pause. I can just envision Eliza’s face on the other end of the phone, processing what I just told her. “Wait…Jameson? The guy who left and has been missing for years?”
“Yeah, that guy,” I reply.
“You’re joking, right?”
“I’m not.”
“What the hell?” I know she’s going into her protective mode right now. I can hear it in her voice. “And he’s cool? You’re just gonna trust him after he vanishes on you like that?”
“He’s totally cool, Eliza,” I reply, feeling Jameson’s hands slip around my waist. I smile and look up as he kisses me on the neck and pulls me down on the couch beside him. “I’m totally safe with him. In fact, I feel safer with him than I’ve ever felt in my life.”
I can hear Eliza sigh on the other end of the phone. “Uh-huh, well that’s good. And where exactly are you now? He lived next door to you, right?”
“Well, not anymore. Remember the Morgan Manor?” I ask. “That crazy old mansion?”
“Of course.”
“Well he bought that and renovated it. It’s big and fancy now, and that’s where I am. With him.”
“Uh-huh,” she replies, not even sounding impressed. I know from the way she’s talking that this isn’t over. “Well, at least it wasn’t some random asshole that you left with. I thought you had taken my advice way too far or something.”
“No way!” I squeal. “I would never do that, Eliza. I’m not that stupid. Gimmie some credit here!”
“I mean—I hope you’re not, Iris! But when I wasn’t able to get in touch with you since last night, I was worried. I didn’t want to read some article online about you being found in a ditch or something.”
I am trying not to laugh as I press speaker and glance over at Jameson, who has my ankle in his hands and is gently rubbing it as he listens.
“Yeah, that would not be good,” I reply. “Listen, Eliza, I’ve got to go now. But thanks so much for checking up on me. We’ll catch up later, okay?”
“Okay,” Eliza replies. “But do me a favor. Keep your phone on you, would you? And if this friend of yours tries to do any kind of shenanigans—like tries to drug you or kidnap you or harvest your organs for sale on the black market—just know that all you have to do is call me, and I will be there to murder his punk ass. Okay?!”
Jameson nearly bursts out laughing but covers his mouth with his hand. I simply smile. Eliza is incredible, and I am lucky to have her.
“Okay, I will make sure to call you if he tries any of those things,” I reply. “But I promise you, Eliza, Jameson is the greatest guy. I totally trust him, and you should too.”