Page 19 of Vanished Hearts

“Thought you could surprise me, huh?” He laughs, nibbling at the base of my neck like a vampire. “Impossible! You can’t surprise The Jameson!”

“The Jameson!?” I giggle. “When did you become The Jameson?”

“I’ve always been The Jameson!” he roars back, spinning me in his big, strong arms. “The world just hasn’t caught on yet. They’re starting to now, though.”

“The rest of the world doesn’t need to know,” I tell him as he sets me down and I stand in front of him, looking up at his handsome face. He’s so much taller than me. “Do they?”

He ponders ever so briefly, then smiles. “Nope, you’re right. They don’t. Only you do.”

And then he leans down and kisses me.

I can feel his bulge press against my thighs as he pulls me into him. His lips twist into a smile. “Didn’t feel like getting dressed?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, is it bothering you?” I giggle.

“Terribly,” he chuckles, tracing the curves of my body with his fingertips.

“Also, my clothes are still in the living room,” I say. “My incredible sweatsuit outfit I was wearing when you rescued me from the club last night.”

“Ah, yes. The one you did that private little striptease in for me.” I feel myself blushing and start to turn my face away, but Jameson takes me by the chin with two fingers and forces me to look at him. “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll keep that as a memento.”

Now I’m really blushing. And I know he sees it.

“Well if you keep it, what am I going to wear today?” I ask.

“Oh, that’s no problem,” he says, taking my hand. “I’ve got that all worked out.”

Jameson leads me from the kitchen down the hall and into a room I didn’t get a chance to see last night. It’s mostly empty and minimally decorated, but along three walls are clothing racks that have been completely filled with a selection of basically anything I could ever want to wear. And it looks like most of it is either in my size or has a selection of sizes for me to try on.

“See?” Jameson chuckles, wrapping his arm around me. “No problem. Welcome to Iris’s. Serving one customer and one customer only. We’re running a special starting today and for the foreseeable future. One hundred percent off if you are Iris Turner. And you are Iris Turner, are you not?”

He looks at me, a playful smile on his lips, his eyes filled with so much care and desire and protection that I barely know what to do with myself. At first, all I can do is nod, but then I manage to stammer, “Y-yes…”

“Good.” Jameson smiles. “Then you’re the one I was looking for. Take whatever you’d like.”

Jameson places his hand on my back and gently persuades me into the room, which is precisely what I needed, as I was standing there basically awestruck at the sight of everything before me.


“I don’t know how often you wear dresses or skirts these days, but I had some brought over,” he says, stepping past me to the left-wall rack. He runs his hands across them, causing patterns and colors to sway, getting my attention and my imagination of possible future outfits flowing. “Then you got your shirts, or blouses, over here, and all kinds of shorts and pants over here. I even got a box of ‘ladies undergarments’ as they might say. Nothing as exciting as what you had on last night, but hey, no reason I can’t take you to a fancy boutique sometime…”

Jameson flashes me a wink that I can barely even handle. Who is this man? I mean, I always knew he was just so amazing. I always had a thing for him before he disappeared—for crying out loud, I even tried to kiss him before it was even appropriate! But now I’m melting before him like a stick of fresh butter under the hot summer sun. He’s just too incredible.

“You really know how to make a girl feel like a princess, you know that?”

“Not a girl, Iris,” he replies. “You.”

Blush. More blush. Will I ever stop blushing around this wonderful man?

I doubt it.

I can feel his eyes on me as I peruse the room. It really is as though I’ve just stepped into a cute little shop I’ve never been into before and found it filled with all kinds of clothes I absolutely adore and would totally wear.

I go to the ‘box of ladies undergarments’ and slip into a pair of black panties and hear a deep sigh from behind me. I spin around and see Jameson pretending to look disappointed.

“Problem?” I ask him.

“You’re less naked.” He smirks. “I’d consider that a problem.”

I pluck the cutest pair of jeans off the rack beside me and slip into them. Somehow they fit perfectly. “Well, you’re going to have to get used to it, mister.” I slip into a pink, floral blouse that also somehow fits me just right and walk over to him. “But no one says I have to wear this all day.”