Page 101 of Filthy Lawyer

“There’s no bullets in that,” I said calmly. “I checked when we first got here.”

The guy aimed for Veronica anyway, and she ran away screaming.

Unflinching, I found the exact piece I needed.

“Okay, Mr. Jensen,” I said. “I don’t typically take on cases like this, especially when I was about to be on the other side, but I’m about to make one hell of an exception for you.”

“What the hell are you talking about? I haven’t contacted anyone about any cases and I hate lawyers.”

“Me, too.” I walked over to him, and took the gun from his hands. “Your apartment manager is offering you two million dollars to move out of this place by the end of the year, right?”


“You’re not going to do that.”

“Like hell I’m not.”

“You’re going to let me sue the hell out of themforyou and you’re going to get at least eighteen million for decades of negligence and terrible health code violations. And because I’m a changed man, you’re only going to owe me thirty percent of that. Deal?”

The guy blinked, and then he extended his hand.

“You’re welcome.”




“What do you mean, you want to focus on his grey parts, Miss Tanner?” Mr. Pennington leaned back in his office chair, puffing a cigar.

I’d lost track of how many times I’d asked him not to smoke around me, but he refused to curb his habit.

“Our client is innocent, but he’s pretty unlikable, so I don’t want him to testify,” I said. “I want to bring some character witnesses to make him look good to the jury instead.”

“That sounds like it’ll cost us time we don’t have, Miss Tanner.” He puffed another ‘O.’ “If he didn’t do it, just focus on that. This isn’t a firm, remember?”

Unfortunately… “Right.”

“Oh, and don’t forget.” He held out a pouch. “We’re all limited to two cups of free coffee per day at the machine. Everything past that and you have to use these coins that we deduct from your paycheck, remember?”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and forced a smile.

Stepping out of his office, I headed to our small library and began searching for a new job.

I need to stop pretending anyway.

“Miss Tanner?” a familiar voice said, making me turn around.

Mr. Hamilton?

“I thought that was you.” He stepped closer, looking completely out of place here in his custom grey suit. “How much does your job here pay?”

I didn’t answer.

“I’ll take your silence to be an utter embarrassment at the answer,” he said.

“With all due respect,” I said. “I’m working right now, but whenever I miss your insults, I’ll stop by the firm to collect them. I promise.”